Current view on prostheses in herniology (hernia meshes) – classifications, indications, advantages and disadvantages of different implants, complications J. Skach, M. Slamborova, V. Blecher, P. Hromadka, R. Gurlich
J. Škach 1; M. Šlamborová 2; V. Blecher 1; P. Hromádka 1; R. Gürlich 3
Published in the journal:
Rozhl. Chir., 2019, roč. 98, č. 3, s. 85-99.
Souhrnné sdělení
Hernia repair is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures worldwide. Reinforcement of the tissue with a surgical mesh requires the implantation of much over 1 million meshes per year worldwide. Implant design remains a critical challenge for the prevention of hernia recurrence. Currently available implants exhibit a wide spectrum of different characteristics. This review summarizes the specifics, advantages, limitations, complications and functionalities of commonly accessible prostheses. There is still no ideal mesh for every surgery.
Hernia – mesh – repair – Biocompatibility
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