Cardiology Review - Informácie o časopise

Characteristics of the Periodical Journal Kardiologická revue

  • abbreviation for quotation: Kardiol. Rev.
  • language of the periodical journal: Czech, Slovak, English
  • the journal publishes:
    • original scientific research studies
    • comprehensive scientific articles
    • clinical observations (case studies)
    • short original papers from the respective fields
    • letters to the editor
    • comprehensive reviews
    • editorials, commentary
    • reports from the conferences and residencies
    • reports from the medical societies and from the regions
    • questions and answers
    • quizzes, historical features, medical jokes

The Kardiologická revue (ISSN 1212-4540) was added to the list of non-impacted peer-reviewed periodic journals in the Czech Republic approved by the Research and Development Council on 20 June 2008. It opened further possibilities for the official publication of grant studies and papers for conferring degrees (graduation), etc.

In the supplement of the Kardiologická revue (formerly Kardiofórum) a number of articles are published on the same theme, which are reviewed by a principal author who selects his co-authors, writes the introduction and supervises the proper layout and arrangement of the articles.
The articles are subject to the same publication conditions as in the Kardiol. rev.

Editorial Board


prof. MUDr. J. Špinar, CSc., FESC
prof. MUDr. J. Vítovec, CSc., FESC


Prof. MUDr. M. Aschermann, DrSc., FESC

prof. MUDr. A. Dukát, CSc.

MUDr. M. Fejfuša, CSc.

doc. MUDr. P. Gavorník, PhD., mim. prof

doc. MUDr. E. Goncalvesová, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. P. Heinc, Ph.D.

Doc. MUDr. V. Chaloupka, CSc., FESC

Prof. MUDr. J. Kautzner, CSc., FESC

prof. MUDr. M. Kršek, CSc.

doc. MUDr. R. Lábrová, Ph.D.

Prof. MUDr. A. Linhart, DrSc.

doc. MUDr. O. Ludka, Ph.D.

prof. MUDr. M. Lukáš, CSc.

doc. MUDr. F. Málek, Ph.D., MBA

Prof. MUDr. I. Murín, DrSc., FESC

prof. MUDr. P. Neužil, CSc., FESC

Doc. MUDr. P. Němec, CSc.

doc. MUDr. M. Novák, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. R. Pudil, Ph.D.

Prof. MUDr. H. Rosolová, DrSc., FESC

Prof. MUDr. L. Špinarová, Ph.D., FESC

Doc. MUDr. M. Táborský, CSc., FESC, MBA

prim. MUDr. F. Toušek, FESC

doc. MUDr. J. Václavík, Ph.D.

Prof. MUDr. J. Veselka, CSc.

doc. MUDr. M. Vrablík, Ph.D.


Published 4 times a year.

  • Price for a year: 12 EUR (300 Kč).

Subscription orders for the Czech and Slovak Republics should be sent to

E-mail: pavla.hrabcova@ambitmedia.cz

For authors and reviewers


Contact us

Editorial Office Address

Ambit Media, a. s.
Media Hall
Bidláky 20
639 00 Brno
tel.: +420 533 337 311
fax: +420 533 337 312


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Phone: +420 222 352 573
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prof. MUDr. J. Špinar, CSc., FESC
prof. MUDr. J. Vítovec, CSc., FESC

Contact person

Mgr. Leoš Verner


Pavel Doležal

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