Clinical Oncology - Issue 3/2019


Association of TNF-α -308G>A Polymorphism with Susceptibility to Cervical Cancer and Breast Cancer – a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Meraj Farbod, Mojgan Zarchi Karimi, Naeimeh Heiranizadeh, Neda Shalamzari Seifi, Javad Bafghi Mohammad Akbarian, Hossein Mohammad Jarahzadeh, Hossein Neamatzadeh

MicroRNAs in Cerebrospinal Fluid as Biomarkers in Brain Tumor Patients

Alena Kopková, Jiří Šána, Marek Večeřa, Pavel Fadrus, Radim Lipina, Martin Smrčka, Martina Lojová, Ondřej Slabý

Original Articles

Prognosis of HPV-Positive and -Negative Oropharyngeal Cancers Depends on the Treatment Modality

Z. Horáková, M. Slavik, K. Veselý, M. Budíková, R. Kostřica, H. Binková

Nanoparticle-Modified Apoferritin Nanotransfer for Targeted Cytostatic Transport

M. Čížek, M. Gargulák, K. Sehnal, D. Uhlířová, M. Staňková, M. Dočekalová, B. Ruttkay-Nedecký, J. Zídková, R. Kizek

Prevalence of Anxiety and Depression and Their Impact on the Quality of Life of Cancer Patients Treated with Palliative Antineoplasic Therapy – Results of the PALINT Trial

L. Světláková, O. Sláma, M. Světlák, L. Pochop, J. Šedo, R. Alexandrová, O. Bílek, R. Vyzula

Rhabdomyosarcoma of the Gluteus Maximus – Case Report, Review of Literature and Emerging Therapeutic Targets

Gulab Girish Meshram, Neeraj Kaur, Singh Kanwaljeet Hura

Case Report

Neoadjuvant Hypertermic Isolated Limb Perfusion in Treatment of Undifferentiated Spindle Cell Sarcoma of Lower Limb with Achieved Complete Pathologic Response

M. Vočka, M. Špaček, Z. Matějovský, J. Trnka, G. Hodková, D. Skibová, D. Zogala, J. Lindner, L. Petruželka

Primary Intracranial Sarcomas, Myxoid Meningeal Sarcoma – a Case Report and Literature Review

D. Vrána, O. Kalita, L. Hrabálek, M. Matzenauer, M. Bartoušková, N. Rušarová, L. Tučková, L. Sedláčková

Short Communication

The Loneliness of Patients in the Pre-Terminal and Terminal Stages of Cancer, the Social Dimension of Dying

Viera Bencová

Current FIGO Staging for Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri and Treatment of Particular Stages

B. Sehnal, E. Kmoníčková, J. Sláma, V. Tomancová, Michal Zikán

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