Czech and Slovak Pharmacy - About the journal

The journal is published by the Czech Pharmaceutical Society and the Slovak Pharmaceutical Society in cooperation with Masaryk University. It has more than sixty-year tradition which is built on the joint publication activities of Czech and Slovak pharmaceutical experts.

It publishes original papers, professional summaries and short notices from the field of pharmacy and related branches.

Furthermore, it provides information about synthetic and natural pharmaceutical research, pharmacokinetics, new forms of pharmaceutical technology, phytopharmaceutical production, retail pharmacy, etc.

It also publishes the information of the Czech and Slovak Pharmaceutical Society, personal information, interesting news, information from international pharmaceutical societies and practical experiences.

The journal is an important aid for each pharmacist, healthcare worker and expert in the areas related to pharmacy and pharmaceutical issues.

Editorial Board

Czech Pharmaceutical Society

President: prof. PharmDr. Martin Doležal, Ph.D.
Katedra farmaceutrické chemie a kontroly léčiv, Farmaceutická fakulta UK v Hradci Králové, Ak. Heyrovského 1203, 500 05 Hradec Králové
Vice-Prezidents: PharmDr. Pavel Grodza
Lékárna „Panacea“, Jičínská 54, 742 58 Příbor
PharmDr. Helena Rotterová, MBA
Nemocniční lékárna Všeobecné fakultní nemocnice v Praze, U Nemocnice 2, 128 08 Praha 2
Secretary General: assoc. prof. PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D.
Katedra sociální a klinické farmacie Farmaceutické fakulty UK v Hradci Králové, 
Nemocniční lékárna FN Motol, Praha

Slovak Pharmaceutical Society

President: doc. PharmDr. Tomáš Tesař, PhD., MBA, MPH
FaF Univerzity Komenského, Kalinčiaková 8, 832 32 Bratislava
Vice-Prezidents: RNDr. Roman Smieško
PharmDr. Slávka Porubcová
Secretary General: doc. PharmDr. Szilvia Czigle, PhD.


Associate Prof. PharmDr. Kateřina Kubová, Ph.D.
Masaryk university, Faculty of Pharmacy
E-mail:  csf.redakce@pharm.muni.cz

Board of Editors:

  • prof. RNDr. Dr.h.c. Jozef Čižmárik, PhD. (Bratislava)
  • prof. Dr. Pharm. Sci. Dariusz Matosiuk (Poland)
  • prof. RNDr. Daniel Grančai, CSc. (Bratislava)
  • doc. RNDr. Jozef Kolář, CSc. (Brno, Hradec Králové)
  • doc. PharmDr. Peter Kollár, Ph.D. (Brno)
  • prof. Jindrich Henry Kopecek, Ph.D., D. Sc. (U.S.A.)
  • prof. Mirek Macka, RNDr., PhD., FRACI, MRSC, CChem (Australia)
  • assoc. prof. PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D. (Hradec Králové)
  • prof. PharmDr. Miloslava Rabišková, CSc. (Hradec Králové)
  • doc. RNDr. Jiřina Spilková, CSc. (Hradec Králové)
  • doc. PharmDr. Zdeňka Šklubalová, Ph.D. (Hradec Králové)
  • prof. PharmDr. Karel Šmejkal, Ph.D. (Brno)
  • prof. PharmDr. et Mgr. David Vetchý, Ph.D. (Brno)
  • PharmDr. Tünde Ambrus, Ph.D. (Brno)

Editorial Staff


Czech Medical Association J. E. Purkyně 
Sokolská 31
120 26 Prague 2
Czech Republic


Associate Prof. PharmDr. Kateřina Kubová, Ph.D.
Masaryk university, Faculty of Pharmacy
E-mail:  csf.redakce@pharm.muni.cz


Mgr. Helena Glezgová
E-mail: helena.glezgova@seznam.cz


Prager-LD Ltd.
Kováků 9
150 00 Prague 5
Czech Republic


  • for the Czech Republic: Olympia Publishing a.s., Prague
  • Distribution abroad (with the exception of the Slovak Republic): Myris Trade Ltd., P. O. Box 2, V Stihlach 1311, 142 01 Prague 4, Czech Republic
    Phone: +420 234 035 200 
    Fax: +420 234 035 207
    E-mail: myris@myris.cz
  • Distribution for the Slovak Republic: Mediaprint-Kapa Pressegrosso, a.s., oddelenie inej formy predaja, Vajnorská 137, P. O. BOX 183, 830 00 Bratislava 3, Slovakia
    Phone: +421 2 4445 8821, +421 2 4445 8816
    Fax: +421 2 4445 8819
    E-mail: predplatne@abompkapa.sk


Advertising Department CzMA
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Phone: +420 224 266 265
Fax: +420 224 266 265
E-mail: ntsinzerce@cls.cz

Registration Mark MK ČR E 36 14.


Published 6 times a year.

  • Price for a year: € 39,60 (930 CZK)
  • Price for a single issue: € 6,60 (155 CZK)

Subscription orders for the Czech and Slovak Republic should be sent to

Dana Brzobohatá
LD s.r.o. - Tiskárna Prager
Kováků 9
150 00 Praha 5


mobile: +420 602 377 675
phone: +420 251 566 585 

For authors and reviewers

Česká a slovenská farmacie publishes after approval of referees or modifications according to their comments: reviews and professional communications, original papers, and short communications. It also publishes papers on the history of pharmacy, reports on the activities of pharmaceutical societies, information concerning congresses, conferences, symposia, and other important events, contributions from pharmaceutical practice, book reviews, and short pieces of information (excerpts) from foreign literature. It also publishes a limited number of abstracts from professional events organized by the Czech Pharmaceutical Society. The number and extent of abstracts is to be negotiated with the editors in advance. Only the papers and contributions are accepted that have not been published or submitted for publication to some other journal.

The journal Česká a slovenská farmacie does not charge fees for the publication of papers with dedications of grant-funded or otherwise financially supported research and development from public resources as well as language correction of English texts.

The full versions of all papers including English and Czech/Slovak summaries are published on the Internet pages of the journals of the Jan Evangelista Purkynje Czech Medical Society - ČLS JEP (www.cls.cz). Papers from the journal Česká a slovenská farmacie are freely available from the PUBMED database (after the appearance of the Abstract use the reference to the FULL TEXT in upper right corner).

Lay-out of the manuscripts

1. The title accurately and briefly expresses the content of the paper. In series a footnote must cite the previous communication.

2. Authors – first name and surname, without degrees (e.g. Jan Janák).

3. Facility – full name, location, possibly country.

4. Introduction on the subject of the paper and the issues under study – only in original papers.

5. Experimental Part – a detailed description of the employed materials and methods. Procedures known in the literature are not described, a pertinent reference is enough. Common, routinely used methods are not described either.

6. Results – a short and apt summary of achieved results, which can be also presented in the form of tables and figures. Duplicity information is inadmissible.

7. Discussion – critical evaluation of achieved results and their confrontation with the literature data.

8. Conclusion can be formulated as a separate chapter only if it differs substantially from the Summary.

9. Summary (in original papers, short communications, review papers, and papers on the history of pharmacy) in Czech/Slovak and English enables to understand the gist and results of the paper and aids to publicize the paper on the Internet. It is written in the third person in an extent of maximally 200 words with 3 to 5 key words.

10. References – only topical literary sources with IF, the sources are listed in the order in which they are cited in the text. Journal citations are presented with the full title of the article and the names of all authors. Do not use automatic numbering of citations and names of authors or titles of papers copied from the web! They can be lost when making up the page for printing.

Sample citations of a journal1), a book2, 3), a lecture4), a web5, 6).

1) Haxon K. J., Burt H. M. Polymeric drug delivery of platinumloaded anticancer agents. J. Pharm. Sci. 2009; 98, 2299–2316.

2) Perlík F. Základy klinické farmakologie. 1. vyd. Praha: Galén 2008; 192 s.

3) Hauser W. A., Annegers J. F. Epidemiology of epilepsy. In: Laidlaw, J. P., Richens, A., Chadwick, D. eds. Textbook of epilepsy, 4th ed. New York: Churchill-Livingstone 1992.

4) Barták N., Zámečník J., Adlerová K. Nové poznatky o intoxikaci kobaltem. In: Sborník XIII. Xenobiochemického sympozia. Praha: ČSBMB 1995; s. 18.

5) Horák J. Standardní diagnostický a terapeutický postup u genetické (hereditární) hemochromatózy. http://www.ceskahepatologie.cz/index.php?node=43 (21. 12. 2009)

6) Felton L. A. Characterization of coating systems. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2007; 8(4) Article 112. http://aapspharmscitech.org.

11. Author – full name with degrees, address for correspondence, phone, fax and e-mail address.

12. Short communications – preliminary, short presentation of new research results without discussion. For Summary and Keywords see item 9; extent of text 1200–1500 words maximally with 3 tables or figures and maximally with three references.

13. Conflict of interest (is to be presented before References):

  • e.g. affiliation of the facility or some of the authors to the firm sponsoring the published research (not in the case of grant projects)
  • in case there is none: none 

Requirements for the manuscript

Only electronic submissions are acceptable. The literature is referred to by a number index above with a bracket, e.g. Tomíček 34).

The IUPAC organic chemistry terminology is to be used. Professional terminology, abbreviations and symbols must be in conformity with valid standards, in particular SI.

Photographs, chemical formulae, graphs and outputs from devices are accepted in the tif, jpg and eps formats (for the sake of quality best in the compression ratio 10–12). The costs of colour reproduction of pictures are covered by the authors (2000 CZK for a printed page without VAT).

The paper sent to the editors is considered to be the definitive version with imprimatur, approved for publication by the head of the pertinent facility. Prior to publication, the authors will receive the text for proofreading. Proof sheets are to be returned immediately by the date determined by the editors. Later author’s corrections cannot be taken into consideration due to time limits. It is not allowed to change or supplement the proofread text.

Due to the production reasons, the authors cannot receive separate reprints. The first author will receive one copy of the journal free of charge (this does not apply to news, discussions, book reviews, etc.).

As the journal is unprofitable, it does not pay royalties for printed contributions excepting those requested by the editors.

Manuscripts complying with the above-mentioned requirements should be sent to e-mail address:



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Dana Brzobohatá

phone: +420 251 56 65 85
mobile: +420 602 377 675
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Dana Brzobohatá

phone: +420 251 56 65 85
mobile: +420 602 377 675
e-mail: brzobohata@cls.cz

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