Czech Dental Journal - About the journal

Czech Dental Journal (Česká stomatologie a praktické zubní lékařství”, hereinafter the ČSPZL) is a scientific journal aiming to publish basic and applied research at the level of clinical and experimental studies, as well as epidemiological studies and statistical evaluations of dental care, partial and final results of grant projects, reviews of scientific literature, scientific sessions, especially in the fields of physiology, pathology and prevention of oral health, including the maxillofacial area.

The scientific reports offered for publication are reviewed. The professional value and originality of the work are assessed by the editorial board and by two independent external reviewers.

ISSN 1213-0613 (Print)

ISSN 1805-4471 (Online)

Registration Mark MK ČR E 102

Published 4 times a year

Czech Dental Journal is indexed in:

  • List of peer-reviewed non-impacted journals published in the Czech Republic (Science, Research and Innovation Council of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic)
  • Bibliographia medica Čechoslovaca
  • EBSCO Academic Search Complete

Editorial Board


MUDr. Martin Kapitán, Ph.D.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

PhDr. Iva Žáková


doc. MUDr. Pavlína Černochová, Ph.D.

MUDr. Simona Dianišková, Ph.D., MPH (Slovakia)

prof. MUDr. Taťjana Dostálová, DrSc., MBA

prof. MUDr. Jana Dušková, DrSc. MBA

prof. Dr. Steven P. Engebretson (USA)

dr. Hans-Rainer Fischer (Germany)

doc. MUDr. et MUDr. Lukáš Hauer, Ph.D.

MUDr. Robert Houba, Ph.D.

MUDr. Martin Kapitán, Ph.D.

MUDr. Ladislav Korábek, CSc., MBA

doc. RNDr. Petra Bořilová Linhartová, Ph.D.

doc. MUDr. Vlasta Merglová, CSc.

stomatolog Yuliya Morozova, Ph.D.

doc. MUDr. Luděk Peřinka, CSc.

prof. MUDr. Antonín Šimůnek, CSc.

doc. MUDr. Roman Šmucler, CSc.

doc. MUDr. Jan Veverka, CSc.

doc. MUDr. Antonín Zicha, CSc.

Editorial Staff


Česká stomatologická komora
(Czech Dental Chamber)
Slavojova 22, 128 00 Praha 2
Czech Republic
IČO 00224286


MUDr. Martin Kapitán, Ph.D.
+420 602 339 391

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

PhDr. Iva Žáková
+420 234 709 625


Mgr. Stanislava Beranová


Czech Dental Chamber
Editorial office
Tereza Soukupová, DiS.
+420 770 134 250          

Manuscripts should be sent to

Česká stomatologická komora
(Czech Dental Chamber)
Editorial office
MUDr. Martin Kapitán, Ph.D.
Slavojova 22, 128 00, Prague 2
Czech Republic


Subscription orders for the Czech Republic

Czech Dental Chamber
Editorial office
Ing. Jolana Kunrtová
+420 234 709 630

  • Price for a year (published 4 times a year):
    Members of Czech Dental Chambre and students: 350 CZK
    Others: 700 CZK

Subscription for the Slovak Republic

Mediaprint-Kapa Pressegrosso, a. s., oddelenie inej formy predaja
Stará Vajnorská 9, P. O. BOX 183, 830 00 Bratislava 6
Infolinka: +421 800 188 826, predplatne@abompkapa.sk, www.ipredplatne.sk

  • Price for a year: € 32
  • Price for a single issue: € 8,0

For authors and reviewers


Contact - publishing and printing department /NTS/ CzMA

Česká stomatologická komora
(Czech Dental Chamber)

Slavojova 22, 182 00 Prague 2
Czech Republic

Ediční oddělení (Editorial office)


+420 234 709 625 (Deputy Editor-in-Chief)


+4​​​​​​​20 234 709 630 (Subscription)

+420 770 134 250 (Advertising)

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