Gastroenterology and Hepatology - Informácie o časopise

Characteristics of the Periodical Journal

  • abbreviation for quotation: Čes. a Slov. Gastroent. a Hepatol.
  • language of the periodical journal: Czech, Slovak, English
  • independent international professional journal for gastroenterologists, hepatologists and interdisciplinary cooperation
  • the journal publishes
    • scientific research studies
    • clinical observations
  • short original papers from the respective fields
  • comprehensive reviews
  • reports from the scientific conferences of the medical societies

The ČSGH is the official journal of the Czech Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Czech Medical Society of J.E. Purkyně, the Slovak Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

This professional international journal is intended for gastroenterologists, hepatologists, internists and specialists from other fields of medicine. Optimally, it informs the specialists and interested general practitioners.

Distribution is by subscription - in contrast to targeted press. Subscription for the members of the gastroenterology societies is part of the membership fee and they will receive the journal automatically.

The journal is controlled by its prestigious editorial board, it has a high credibility due to the reviewed texts and it is listed in the databases SCOPUS, CHEMICAL TITLES, EXCERPTA MEDICA/EMBASE, Chemical Abstracts, INIS, Atomindex, Food Science and Technology Abstracts. Abstr., Bibliographia medica čechoslovaca.

Editorial Board


prof. MUDr. Milan Lukáš, CSc.
Klinické a výzkumné centrum pro střevní záněty ISCARE I.V.F. a.s.
Českomoravská 2510/19, 190 00 Praha 9

Editor for Slovak Republic

doc. MUDr. Tomaš Koller, Ph.D.V. interná klinika LF UK a UN
Ružinovská 6
826 06 Bratislava

Editorial board

MUDr. Martin Bortlík, Ph.D.
prof. MUDr. Radan Brůha, CSc.
MUDr. Iveta Čierna, PhD.
prof. MUDr. Martin Fried, CSc.
doc. MUDr. Tibor Hlavatý, PhD.
doc. MUDr. Tomáš Hucl, Ph.D.
doc. MUDr. Peter Jarčuška, PhD.
MUDr. Branislav Kunčak
doc. MUDr. Ladislav Kužela, CSc.
MUDr. Katarína Mitrová, Ph.D.
MUDr. Štěpán Suchánek, Ph.D.
prof. MUDr. Julius Špičák, CSc.
Assoc. Prof. Ilja Tachecí, MD, PhD.
MUDr. Ondřej Urban, Ph.D.
MUDr. Eduard Veselíny, PhD.

International Editorial Board

Prof. Lars Aabakken, MD, PhD
Peter Doyle Higgins, MD, PhD
Peter Laszlo Lakatos, MD, PhD
Prof. David Lieberman
Prof. Jong-Ho Moon, MD, PhD
Prof. Walter Reinisch, MD
Florian Rieder, MD
Prof. Vincenzo Stanghellini
Prof. Jerome D. Waye, MD


For authors and reviewers

Instructions for Authors

Gastroenterologie a hepatologie (Gastroenterology and hepatology) is the official professional journal of the Czech Gastroenterology Society, Czech Hepatology Society, Slovak Gastroenterology Society and Slovak Hepatology Society published by the Czech Medical Society of J. E. Purkyně. This journal is published bimonthly. Articles are published in Czech, Slovak or English language.

This journal has been publishing original articles from clinical and experimental gastroenterology and hepatology, the results of clinical studies, articles for continual medical education ( CME), current reviews of interesting topics, case reports, summaries or reports from congresses and meetings of above mentioned societies. Also reports on new books, commentary to interesting articles, personal communication on interesting topics, personal experiences, letters to the editor, opinions, discussions and important scientific persons biography are welcome.\n

  • Articles should be original and contain facts not published anywhere else. Findings published in non-reviewed form and/or in the form of an abstract can be published conditionally.
  • Articles in Czech, Slovak or English are accepted in electronic form in MS Word and RTF formats.
  • Send articles to the e-mail address of the editor-in-chief: milan.lukas@email.cz
  • Materials taken from other sources and publications can be published only with the written consent of the owner of the copyrights (most commonly the publishing house that published the work).
  • Each manuscript (except for reports, announcements, reviews and correspondence) is assessed in a review procedure (peer review), with mutual anonymity being maintained. The author can suggest maximally three opponents of his/her manuscript. In order to accept a manuscript for publication, the editorial board requires a positive evaluation by two evaluating experts in the relevant field. If the opinions are controversial, a further independent opinion is sought or a decision is taken by the executive editorial board.
  • Authors receive the article in a pdf file for correction of mistakes from the publisher before final printing according to ČSN 88 0410. It is essential to respect the deadline for return of the author’s proof determined by the editor responsible for the respective issue.
  • Authors are bound to sign declaration of his/her authorship. It is also neccessary to declare the conflict of interest concerning the article and send it to the Editor in-Chief by post (see below).

The preparation of a manuscript is based on the relevant Czech National Standards (ČSN) and the procedure recommended by ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors).

Title Sheet

The title sheet must contain the following information:\n

  • Title of the work – Short and apt with an English translation
  • List of authors – Indicate surname, name, contact e-mail address, official name and address of workplace
  • Main author – Main author’s surname and name, including all his or her degrees, official name of his or her workplace, mailing address, e-mail address, telephone
  • Key words (Czech language) – 3–10 keywords in alphabet order
  • Key words (English language) – Please use the MeSH database to search for the English translation of key words
  • Summary – For original reports, review articles and case reports, a summary of 200 words is required, divided into: the Aim of the study, Methods, Results and Conclusions with an English translation
  • Acknowledgments to colleagues and project sponsors, including supported grants and theirs specification if relevant

Manuscript Text

Structured and apt text of the manuscript should be in double-spacing and all pages should be numbered. The text should be written by means of a common text editor in .doc or .rtf formats, recommended font: Times New Roman, 12 points. Format the text using the built-in functions of your text editor, such as “Bold”, “Italic”, etc. only. Never use the spacebar for formatting (!) and do not end each line by hitting Enter. When writing, do not use the „O“ character instead of the „0“ number, or the „I“ character instead of the „1“ number, etc.; while these characters may appear similar when using certain fonts, once exported to a different font, these similarities may disappear.

The maximum extent for the manuscript is limited to 5 pages (with the possibility of different appendices besides the text, for instance: pictures, tables).

In a second part informed consent and/or approval of an ethics committee must be mentioned. In case of work with laboratory animals, it must further be mentioned that the project conformed to the standards for work with laboratory animals and was approved by the relevant committee for work with laboratory animals.

The text must further contain references to any graphs, pictures, photos or tables in the following format: (graph No. 1), (picture No. 1), (table No. 1). In the text of the manuscript mention citations uniformly, using Arabic digits in square brackets [ ], in consecutive order. Explain any non-standard abbreviations when first using them.


Only works closely related to the published work should be cited. The bibliographic references format is based on the ISO 690 standard and is modified to the citation formats in the MEDLINE/PubMed database. Align citations in ascending numerical order matching the order of citations in the text. Mention in the citation all authors when there are three or fewer. If there are more than three authors, indicate the first three and use the abbreviation: “et al”. Specify the pages at the end of each citation. Works that are being printed and/or that have been sent for publication can be included in the citation list.

Citation format:

Original reports and review articles:

Zitterbart K, Kadlecová J, Zavřelová I et al. Pilotní studie exprese izoforem proteinu p73 u meduloblastomu: možný podíl p53-homologního proteinu s potenciálním prognostickým významem v tumorigenezi embryonálních nádorů CNS. Klin Onkol 2006; 19(4): 228–233.

Chapters from books:

Adam Z, Tomíška M, Vorlíček J. Další primárně kožní lymfomy. In: Adam Z, Vorlíček J. Hematologie II. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada 2001: 303–310.

The editorial office recommends that Czech and Slovak works dealing with the issue are mentioned in the citations. Their overview is available from the National Medical Library Database, Bibliographia Medica Čechoslovaca. The editorial board also asks authors to cite articles published in the CSGH journal as well. The citing of articles from CSGH is recognition of the professional level of the journal

Pictures, graphs, tables, schemes, photographs

Please send graphic files separately in tiff, eps or jpg format with the minimum compression (do not insert them in Word or Power Point) and with the consecutive numbering matching the order in which they are cited in the text. Pictures must be supplied in the necessary print quality with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, with a minimum width of 700 pixels. Tables must be created using MS Word or MS Excel. Similarly, graphs and schemes need to be supplied in an editable format (MS Excel), including the source data. Graphic files created using statistical software (for instance, Statsoft STATISTICA or others) should be sent in common vector formats (for instance, emf, wmf, svg, etc.); never send them in MS Word format! When the size of all pictures exceeds 15 megabytes, it is necessary to arrange exchange of the file(s) with the editorial office. Titles and more detailed descriptions of pictures, graphs, tables, schemes and photos must be provided in a separate file, in the text format. If symbols, arrows, figures or letters are used to describe certain parts of a picture, explain them in the legend.


prof. MUDr. Milan Lukáš, CSc.
\nKlinické a výzkumné centrum pro střevní záněty
\nISCARE Lighthouse a 1. LF UK
\nJankovcova 1569/2c, Praha 7, 170 00

Contact us

Contact address

Care Comm s.r.o.
Klicperova 604/8
150 00 Praha 5
tel: +420 737 178 313
e-mail: info@carecomm.cz


IČO: 091 40 549
DIČ: CZ09140549

Deputy Editor:

Ing. Kateřina Michnová


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