Occupational Medicine - Issue 2/2015
Gloss and misery of occupational diseases
K. Boušová, I. Kučerová
Original Papers
Pathokinesiological changes in the musculoskeletal system in bass guitar players – importance of prevention: a case series and review of literature
J. Klugarová, T. Gregorová, M. Klugar, R. Kertz, J. Marečková
The state of voice quality in pedagogues of Ostrava City Elementary Schools
K. Vojkovská, E. Mrázková, P. Sachová, M. Matějková, V. Janout, Z. Hajduková
Review Article
Degenerative diseases of lumbar spine, main diagnostic units
A. Boriková, J. Gallo, M. Nakládalová
Hyperbaric medicine in the Czech Republic – actual view
M. Hájek, R. Pudil, M. Rozložník, D. Chmelař, V. Beran, F. Novomeský, M. Sázel, E. Hrnčíř
Case Report
Occupational lead poisoning (also) in the 21st century
K. Boušová, I. Kučerová
Occupational Medicine

2015 Issue 2
Most read in this issue
- Degenerative diseases of lumbar spine, main diagnostic units
- Occupational lead poisoning (also) in the 21st century
- Hyperbaric medicine in the Czech Republic – actual view
- Gloss and misery of occupational diseases