Perspectives in Surgery - About the journal

This is the national professional journal of the Czech Surgical Society, to which Czech and Slovak surgeons and occasionally other foreign experts contribute.

In addition to original surgical studies in the clinical area it publishes also experimental studies.

Physicians from all surgical specialties provide their contributions.

The journal publishes the reports of the Surgical Society, reports on new books, announces professional conferences and other news.

The journal is an integral part of the library of all physicians in the field.

Editorial Board


Prof. MUDr. František Antoš, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Marek Babjuk, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Jan Bartoníček, DrSc.

Doc. MUDr. František Bělina, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. Igor Čižmář, Ph.D.

Prof. MUDr. Miloslav Duda, DrSc.

Prof. MUDr. Josef Dvořák, DrSc.

Prof. MUDr. Alexander Ferko, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Martin Fried, CSc.

Prim. MUDr. Jiří Gatěk, Ph.D.

Prim. MUDr. Adolf Gryga, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Jiří Hoch, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Mojmír Kasalický, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. Čestmír Neoral, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. David Netuka, Ph.D.

Prof. MUDr. Martin Sameš, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Jan Schützner, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. Pavel Šebesta, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. Jaromír Šimša, Ph.D.

Prof. MUDr. Jiří Šnajdauf, DrSc.

Prof. MUDr. Vladislav Třeška, DrSc.

Doc. MUDr. Miroslav Tvrdek, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. František Vyhnánek, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Jan Wechsler, CSc.

Doc.MUDr. Pavel Zonča, PhD., FRCS.

Honorary members

Prof. MUDr. Juraj Bober, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Ivan Čapov, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. Jan Dostalík, CSc.

MUDr. Jiří Drápela

Prof. Dr. Karl–Walter Jauch

Prof. MUDr. Vladimír Král, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Peter Kothaj, CSc.

MUDr. Karel Křikava, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Karel Novák, DrSc.

Prof. MUDr. Pavel Pafko, DrSc.

Prof. MUDr. Juraj Pechan, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. Leopold Pleva, CSc.

Doc. MUDr. František Tecl, CSc.

Prof. MUDr. Robert Staffa, Ph.D.

Prof. MUDr. Július Vajó, DrSc.

Prof. MUDr. Jan Žaloudík, CSc.

Editorial Staff


Czech Medical Association J. E. Purkyně 
Sokolská 31
120 26 Prague 2
Czech Republic


prof. MUDr. Václav Liška, Ph.D.
e-mail: rvch@carecomm.cz


Mgr. Simona Dorňáková
e-mail: simona.dornakova@carecomm.cz


Annual subscription for Czechia 1 440 Kč

Distributor: SEND Předplatné, spol. s.r.o.
Ve Žlíbku 1800/77, Hala A3, 193 00 Praha 9-Horní Počernice

E-mail: send@send.cz
Telefon: +420 225 985 225

Annual subscription for slovakia 100,80 €

Distributor: Mediaprint-Kapa Pressegrosso, a.s. Oddelenie inej formy predaja
P.O.BOX 183, 830 00 Bratislava 3, SK
e-mail: predplatne@mpkapa.eu
tel: +421 800 188 826

More information: predplatne@carecomm.cz

Advertising conditions and subscription information

Mgr. Simona Dorňáková
+420 731 202 341

For authors and reviewers

Valid from 01 January 2015

Perspectives in Surgery (Rozhledy v chirurgii), a reviewed national journal with a more than ninety-year tradition, publishes reviews, original articles and case reports in the Czech, Slovak and English languages and uses the Vancouver referencing style. Reviews, original papers and case reports are reviewed by two independent reviewers. Requested articles, reports (letters to the editors, congress reports, discussion contributions, etc.) and the editorial are not reviewed. Some journal issues may contain articles on postgraduate education.


Only articles not published in other journals may be accepted for publication in Perspectives in Surgery. The first author of the article is required to confirm this on behalf of all authors in a statement published below each article. Published articles become the property of the Perspectives in Surgery journal. The reprinting of such an article, its parts, pictures or tables must contain a reference to the original publication.

Only persons who significantly contributed to the general design and concept of the study, to data analysis or interpretation of study findings, to formal or content text reviews and who agree with the final version submitted for publication, may be presented as authors. The editorial board do not require an Imprimatur of the head of the author’s department; its granting is left to the department’s practice.

Use of reference sources

All materials (diagrams, pictures, graphs, etc.) reprinted from other sources/publications may only be published with written consent of the person/publisher owning the relevant copyright (©) licence. In such cases, written confirmation of the consent needs to be sent to the editor-in-chief.


If a paper is published with the financial support of a grant, the publication of such an article shall be subject to payment of an invoice which the author receives from Chirurgie − servis, o.s. The fee is CZK 500 per printed page. In all other cases, no publication fees are charged, including the publishing of colour documentation.

Ethical aspects

An article presenting clinical studies must contain a declaration that the study had been approved by an ethics committee prior to its initiation (principles based on the Declaration of Helsinki, 1964). Illustrations must never show the names or birth identification numbers of the patients and the numbers of hospital protocols. Animal studies must contain information that current guidelines and directives for breeding and experimental use of animals were followed, in accordance with Act No. 246/1992, as amended by Decree No. 207/2004 with subsequent explanatory notes to Decree No. 39/2009.

Conflict of interest

The first author has an obligation to declare not to be in conflict of interest relating to the theme, the creation and the publication of his or her article. This means that the creation and publication of the article was not financially supported by any pharmaceutical company or other entity and no influence was exerted on the first author or the co-authors as regards their work on the article. Otherwise, the first author is obliged to announce that he or she or the co-authors have had financial or contractual interests or other arrangements in or with some pharmaceutical company or other entity during the past 24 months in connection with the creation of the article. Declaration on the conflict of interest shall be published under each article.

Types of articles and their mandatory structure

I. Requested article

Requested article is an article written by a foreign or domestic author on an agreed topic.

II. Review

A review is an overview article without the author’s analysis of their own patient group that may be presented; the authors’ own knowledge is usually only cited. It is appropriate to refer to the methods of material collection. The structure of a review article is left to the author; however, the text needs to be formally well arranged and its contents must be comprehensive. The literature overview should only present essential papers.

Obligatory parts of Reviews: Summary in Czech and English, appropriate to the structure of Review, Key words (a maximum of 5), Introduction, Conclusion, References.

III. Original article

An original article presents the author’s conclusions, based on an analysis of their own data processed by adequate statistical methods. The article must use clear formulations so that no ambivalent or false interpretations of the contents are possible.

Obligatory parts of Original articles: Summary in Czech and English, Key words (a maximum of 5), Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References (approximately 30 references).

IV. Case report

A case report contains the description of one or several similar cases and their solution which is innovative or confirms existing knowledge.

Obligatory parts of case reports: Summary in Czech and English, Key words (a maximum of 5), Introduction, Case Description, Discussion, Conclusion, References.

IV. News (congress reports, short information, etc.)

Parts of the published text


The summary must be in Czech and English, including the English title of the article. It is structured according to the type of article – see above.

Key words

Key words contain a maximum of 5 main expressions included in Index Medicus.


The Introduction contains brief information about the topic and aim of the article.

Methods (and the patient group)

The Methods section contains information on how the patient group was set up, about the type and methodology of the clinical or animal study, about the statistical methods used, etc.

Case Report

The case report contains a description of the specific case or cases.


The Results section presents the results in a logical progression in the text, tables, graphs and pictures. Data from tables or graphs do not repeat in the text if not absolutely necessary. Only significant findings are underlined and summarised. No literature references should be mentioned in this part of the paper.


The Discussion compares the study results with other sources, as well as with the initial aims of the study. No references to any unfinished studies should be included. New hypotheses may be presented if justified; however, they must be clearly marked as such.


The authors should highlight new and significant aspects of the study and the corresponding conclusions; suggestions for further research may also be given. The Conclusion section of the text should not include references or citations.


Acknowledgements can be placed at the end of the text and before References


The list of references may contain only sources that have really been used, i.e. publications, monograph or compilation chapters the author refers to in the article text. They should be listed in the order of their appearance in the article text. The references in the text should be marked using Arabic numerals in square brackets. References to abstracts, so-called “unpublished studies” or “personal information” ought to be avoided. Common abbreviations of journals should be used, e.g.: Rozhl Chir; BSJ; Am J Surg etc.

Examples of citations:


Haškovcová H. Informovaný souhlas. Praha, Galén, 2007.

Monograph chapters

Máček M. Stárnutí a tělesná aktivita. In: Kalvach Z, Zadák Z, Jirák R, et al. Geriatrie a gerontologie. 1. vyd. Praha, Grada Publishing, 2004:153–164.

Journals article

Gürlich R, Novotný J, Stříž I. et al. Riziko vzniku malignity po orgánové transplantaci. Čas Lék Čes 2005;144:597–600.

Gutt CN, Kuntz C, Schmandra T, et al. Metabolism and immunology in laparoscopy. Surg Endosc 1998;12:1096–1100.

If the article has multiple authors, indicate the first 3 and then et al.

Electronic publications

Olson, N. (ed.) Cataloging Internet Resources: A Manual and Practical Guide [on line]. 2nd ed. Dublin: OCLC, c1997 [cit. 2003-04-09]. Dostupný z www:

<http://www.oclc.org/oclc/man/9256cat/toc.htm>. ISBN 1-55653-236-9.

Dlouhodobý záměr Univerzity Karlovy v Praze [on line]. 1999-09-09 [cit. 2002-11-20]. Available at www: <http://certik.ruk.cuni.cz/asuk/dlouhodoby/zamer.html>



The statistical methods used should be described in such a manner that a reviewer or a reader who has access to original data may verify the results. Statistical terms and abbreviations are defined. The editorial board recommends the author(s) to consult the statistical methods with a professional statistician prior to the study termination. Articles in which inadequate or incorrect statistical methods have been used or where the results do not correspond to the method used will be returned to the author to be re-worked and re-written.

Measures, weights, units and medicinal product names

The outcomes of laboratory, physical and clinical examinations should be presented in SI units (Système International d’Unités). If names of medicinal products are mentioned, their invented name should be followed by their respective generic name and the name of manufacturer as well.

Abbreviations, symbols and tables

Whenever abbreviations are used, the full name/expression must be included when the abbreviation is used for the first time in the text. Abbreviations should not be used in article headings and summaries. The list of abbreviations used in the text should be included above the list of referenced literature, in alphabetical order. Tables shall use the Microsoft Office Word format with both Czech and English title and need to be marked with numbers of their order, explanatory notes and statistical assessment symbols. The appropriate table number needs to be included in the respective part of the text. Extensive and unclear or confusing tables with excessive data will be rejected.

Images, tables and graphs

Reference to a figure in the text: (Fig. 1)
Under the figure:
Obr. 1: Figure legend in Czech
Fig. 1: Figure legend in English

Reference to a table in the text: (Tab. 1)
Above the table:
Tab. 1: Table legend in Czech
Tab. 1: Table legend in English

Reference to a graph in the text: (Graph 1)
Under the graph:
Graf 1: Graph legend or description in Czech
Graph 1: Graph legend or description in English

Online submission

In order to improve the quality of the submitted articles and to simplify the review procedure, an internet editorial system for manuscript submission was introduced on 1 January 2008, accessible on the Czech Surgery Society website under the icon Perspectives in Surgery (Rozhledy v chirurgii): www.chirurgie.cz. For successful uploading into the editorial system, the author needs to prepare the article in a written form (using any editor compatible with the MS Windows operating system) and all attachments. Each part of the article should be uploaded in the system using the copy/paste functions. The references to individual attachments (figures, tables, graphs) should be mentioned in the text. The attachment (figures, tables, graphs, etc.) should be numbered: Fig. 1, Tab. 1, Graph 1, etc. and uploaded into the editorial system using the appropriate window at the end of the form. The limit for the attached documents is 8 MB and should be sufficient for most articles (the figure files should be 800 kB –1 MB in size). If the limit is not sufficient, or the author has other problems, an administrator of the editorial system can be contacted at chirurgie@chirurgie.cz.

The editor-in-chief or the deputy editor reserves the right to reject a manuscript if the above requirements are not followed.

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