The Clinician and Technology Journal - Informácie o časopise

Journal: Lékař a technika 
Clinician and Technology
ISSN: 0301-5491
Frequency: 4 issues per year
Published: since 1970
Editor in chief: Karel Roubík
Publishers: Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně 
Czech Technical University, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering

The Clinician and Technology Journal (CTJ) is an open access, peer-reviewed international scientific journal reporting developments and advances in the research field of biomedical engineering and biomedical informatics. The journal has been published since 1970.

The mission of the journal is to foster the development in a wide range of biomedical engineering and to create a platform for exchange of information and results of scientific research in biomedical engineering.

The journal addresses the following topics:

  • Biomechanics and biomaterials
  • Biomedical informatics
  • Biomedical modeling and simulation
  • Biosignal acquisition and processing
  • Management and safety of medical devices
  • Medical devices
  • Medical imaging systems

The Clinician and Technology Journal is the official journal of the Czech Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics (http://www.sbmili.cz/), a member of Czech Medical Association JEP.

The Review and Publication process

Editor-in-Chief and Co-Editors accept submitted manuscripts with the understanding that the authors cooperate in a timely manner to the review/publication process, including response to future correspondence from the Clinician and Technology journal.

All manuscripts submitted to the Clinician and Technology journal are subjected to peer review. The Editor relies on evaluations by at least 2 members of the Editorial Board and outside experts in deciding whether submitted manuscripts should be accepted for publication, revised for further peer review, or rejected. A paper, which is accepted by the reviewers for publication and which meets the Clinician and Technology journal style is usually published within six months. Corresponding authors will receive electronic galley proofs, with all figures and tables in place in PDF format. Complete instructions will be provided for revision. Proofs should be reviewed carefully by more than one person and returned, preferably by email, to the Publisher within 48 hours of receipt to avoid delay in publication. Otherwise, manuscripts will be published with staff corrections only. Changes that have been made to conform to the Journal style will stand if they do not alter the Authors’ meaning. Only the most critical changes to text will be accepted. Style changes or rewording of previously accepted material are discouraged.

Authors can submit original research articles only; the journal does not publish other types of articles except for the articles as editorials written by invitation only.

Articles may be written in English, Czech or Slovak language; nevertheless, English is the preferred language of the journal. All articles must contain concise and well structured summary in English.

All articles must be submitted through this editorial system. Please, Check the instruction for authors before submitting your article.

There is no article processing fee. The journal is available in a paper form and the full version is published in .pdf format as well. The journal is distributed free of charge.

Publication & Editorial Staff Contacts

Editor in Chief:
Doc. Ing. Karel Roubik, Ph.D.
phone: +420 603 479 901 

Deputy Editor:
MUDr. Ing. David Macků 
phone: +420 603 913 822 

Editorial Office:
Ing. Ida Skopalová 
phone: +420-22435-5053, +420-22435-2909 

Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně (Česká lékařská společnost Jana Evangelisty Purkyně), 
Sokolská 31, 120 26 Praha 2, Czech Republic, www.cls.cz

Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, nám. Sítná 3105, 272 01 Kladno, 
Czech Republic, www.fbmi.cvut.cz

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief:  

Prof. Ing. Karel Roubik Ph.D., 
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Deputy Editor:   

MUDr. Ing. David Macků, 
Na Homolce Hospital

Chairman of Editorial Board: 

Prof. MUDr. Jozef Rosina Ph.D., 
Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

Editorial Board: 

Prof. MUDr. RNDr. Jiří Beneš Csc.,
1. Lékařská fakulta Karlovy univerzity, Praha

Doc. Ing. Julius Csontó Csc.,
Technická univerzita Košice, EF, Katedra kybernetiky a umelej inteligencie

Ing. L. Doležal Csc.,
Ústav lékařské biofyziky - Lékařská fakulta Palackého univerzity v Olomouci 

Doc. Ing. Josef Hanuš Csc.,
Lékařská fakulta UK v Hradci Králové

Ing. P. Hanzlíček Ph.D., 
Evropské centrum pro medicínskou informatiku, statistiku a epidemiologii

Ing. Petr Huňka,
BioDat, Gerstnerova laboratoř, Katedra kybernetiky, Fakulta elektrotechnická, ČVUT v Praze

Prof. Ing. Peter Kneppo DrSc.,
Fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství ČVÚT Praha

Prof. RNDr. Hana Kolářová CSc.,
Lékařská fakulta UP v Olomouci

Prof. RNDr. Vojtěch Morstein CSc.,
Lékařská fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, Brno

Doc. MUDr. Jiří Obenberger CSc.,
ACHK s.r.o., Praha

MUDr. J. Peleška CSc.,
II. interní klinika 1. LF UK v Praze

Ing. Marek Penhaker Ph.D.,
VŠB TU, Fakulta elektrotechnika a informatiky v Ostravě

Prof. Ing. I. Provazník Ph.D.,
Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií, Ústav biomedicínského inženýrství, Brno

Ing. V. Přibík Csc.,
EuroMISE centrum, Ústav informatiky AV ČR

Prof. Ing. Karel Roubík, Ph.D.
Fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství ČVÚT Praha

Doc. Ing. J. Rozman CSc.,
Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikačních technologií Ústav biomedicínského inženýrství

Ing. M. Rožánek Ph.D.,
Fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství ČVÚT Praha

Ing. L. Sieger CSc.,
Fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství ČVÚT Praha

MUDr. L. Straka Ph.D.,
DERS, spol. s r.o.

Prof. Ing. Milan Štork Csc.,
Fakulta elektrotechnická, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni

Ing. Jana Vránová Csc., 
Ústav lékařské biofyziky a lékařské informatiky, Praha

Prof. RNDr. Jana Zvárová DrSc., 
EuroMISE centrum, Ústav informatiky, Akademie Věd ČR

Prof. Ing. Jozef Živčák Ph.D., 
Strojnícka fakulta, Ústav špeciálnych technických vied, 
Katedra biomedicínskeho inžinierstva a merania, 
Technická univerzita v Košiciach

Editorial Staff


Česká lékařská společnost Jana Evangelisty Purkyně, Sokolská 31, 120 26  Praha 2

a Fakulta biomedicínského inženýrství ČVUT v Praze, nám. Sítná 3105, 272 01 Kladno


Prof. Ing. Karel Roubík, Ph.D.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

MUDr. Ing. David Macků


Ing. Ida Skopalová


To subscribe to the Clinician and Technology journal, please, write your request, your contact information and your affiliation to Ida Skopalová (ida.skopalova@vc.cvut.cz). Alternatively, you can order by phone at +420-22435-5053, +420-22435-2909.

The journal is available in a printed form and the full version is published in .pdf format as well.

The journal is distributed free of charge.

For authors and reviewers

Authors can submit original scientific research articles only; the journal does not publish other types of articles except for the articles as editorials written by invitation. Articles may be written in English, Czech or Slovak language; nevertheless, English is the preferred language of the journal.

All articles must contain concise and well structured summary in English.

Please, download a Template in English or a Template in Czech/Slovak with detailed instructions about the structure and typesetting of your article. Please, contact Deputy Editor Mr. David Macku by e-mail david.macku@homolka.cz or by phone at +420 603 913 822 if you have any questions concerning writing your manuscript.

All articles must be submitted through this editorial system. The trial period of this system is over and since April 2012, CTJ has not been accepting submissions by e-mail or in a paper form parallel to this editorial system. Registration is needed for accessing the editorial system.

There is no article processing fee.

No publishing charge is required.


Ing. Ida Skopalová 
Phone: +420-22435-5053, +420-22435-2909 
E-mail: ida.skopalova@vc.cvut.cz

Sokolská 31, 120 26 Praha 2
tel.: (+420) 224 266 201-4
fax: (+420) 224 266 212

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