Trauma Surgery - Informácie o časopise

The Trauma Surgery journal strives for achieving the highest quality of published manuscripts from the area of trauma surgery and cooperating specialities through a bilaterally anonymous peer-review process. In order to ensure such quality, the peer-review and publication process need to be objective, thorough and honest – they must be performed on the basis of ethic principles and ethic decision making of the authors, editors, reviewers and the publisher.

The publication ethics of the Trauma Surgery journal is based upon the Ethical Code of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which is available at the www.publicationethics.org website. The publication ethics of the Trauma Surgery journal is divided into four parts, dedicated to the duties of the editor, reviewers, authors and publishers. All persons participating upon the publication of the journal are obligated to observe the respective guidelines when publishing contributions in the Trauma Surgery journal.

Reaction to eventual errors / misconduct and resolution of disputes

Editors of the Trauma Surgery journal are responsible for monitoring cases of suspected misconduct. It is important that the editors act courteously, fairly but decidedly at all times.

Reactions to eventual errors or misconduct and resolution of disputes are realized according to the COPE diagrams, listing examples of recommended conduct. (www.publicationethics.org).

Editors of the Trauma Surgery journal are prepared to publish a correction, explanation, retraction or apology if needed. Retraction of a significantly inappropriate article is not viewed as an acknowledgement of an error from the point of the journal, but as a responsible step in order to protect the academic record.

Information about the journal

Trauma Surgery is a nationwide expert scientific journal of the Czech Trauma Society, which presents contributions from expert medical public, not only from the Czech Republic and Slovakia but also of other experts from abroad. The Editorial Board accepts expert publications, which include original scientific reports, such as original articles, case reports and reviews. The journal further presents reports from congresses and committees of the Czech Trauma Society, reports on new books, information about expert conferences, jubilees and other current news from the medical environment.

Trauma Surgery”, which is the expert scientific journal of the Czech Trauma Society, is published quarterly, i.e. four times a year, under the auspices of Bibliographia Medica Čechoslovaca.

The Trauma Surgery journal was introduced into the List of peer-reviewed, non-impact periodicals, issued in the Czech Republic by the Research and Development Council of the Czech Republic in 2010.

The main scope of the journal is monitoring of new treatment methods and outcomes of research in the development of trauma surgery in the Czech Republic and abroad.

The publication ethics of the Trauma Surgery journal arises form the Ethical Code of the Committee on Publication Ethics and Best Practice Guidelines COPE, which is available on www.publicationethics.org. Authors are required to submit a copy of the Ethical Statement signed by all authors, as a mandatory enclosure of the article. The electronic archiving is provided in the framework of the WebArchiv project of the National Library of the Czech Republic.

ISSN 1211-7080
e-ISSN 2336-5919

Ethical Declaration

Dear Editorial Board,

Title of the paper


We, the undersigned hereby declare that:

  • the submitted manuscript is an original article,
  • there exists no conflict of interest related to the publication of the paper,
  • the research was conducted and the manuscript was prepared without any financial support (if yes, please specify)
  • the submitted manuscript or its parts have not received prior publication,
  • the submitted manuscript is not under consideration for publication elsewhere,
  • all authors have personally and actively participated upon the work on the manuscript and are collectively and individually responsible for its contents,
  • all significant ethical aspects related to the protection of patients, clients or experimental veterinary subjects have been observed,
  • all authors agree with digitalization of the article and its disclosure to the expert public on the www.prolekare.cz/urazova-chirurgie website
  • none of the presented data has been obtained fraudulently, all of it is real and authentic
  • all authors have read and agree with the Ethical Code of the Trauma Surgery journal
  • all authors have read the Instructions to Authors and have understood the document

Names of the authors of the manuscript


Signatures of the authors of the manuscript

The Ethical Declaration Form for Downloading.


Price for a yer: 400 CZK 

Published 4 times a year.

Adress for subscription:

Mgr. Pavla Segarová

Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava
Traumatologické centrum
17. listopadu 1790
708 52 Ostrava-Poruba

Phone.: +420 597 375 002

E-mail: pavla.segarova@fno.cz

Duties and Responsibilities of the Editorial Board

Editorial Board publishes scientific articles in the OPEN ACCESS format.

Upon receiving a new manuscript, Editorial Board ensures elaboration of two independent
peer-review reports, correction of the grammar and author’s alteration prior to printing. Editorial Board further assesses the formal quality of the article. Editorial Board has the right to return the manuscript to the authors without peer-review proceedings in cases there exists
a reasonable suspicion that the authors have not observed the Instructions for Authors or the Ethical Code of the journal. In that case, Editorial Board will provide the authors with an explanation, why was the article refused without peer-review proceedings. The authors have the right to provide an explanation to the Editorial Board and resubmit the article for review.

Editorial Board further facilitates bilaterally anonymous communication between the reviewers and the authors.

Editorial Board makes decisions about accepting the article for publication and the content of individual issues of the journal. It protects the publication ethics, however it is not its duty to consider the existence of a possible conflict of interest. Editorial Board preserves the integrity of academic reputation. It issues and updates Instructions for Advertisers, so that business interests do not interfere with the standards of intellectual work and ethics. Editorial Board does not publish fraudulent documents.

Editorial Board is prepared and able to publish corrections, explanations, or retraction of articles and apologies, if necessary.

The Editorial Board members are not denied the opportunity to publish in the home journal. Editorial Board will ensure a fair peer-review process, independently on the author/editor.


Editor in Chief:

Ass. Prof. Leopold Pleva, MD, CSc.

Responsible Editor:

Ass. Prof. Leopold Pleva, MD, CSc. – contents of the journal

Mgr. Pavla Segarová – formal layout of the journal

Publishing house:

Czech Trauma Society ČLS JEP
Lékařský dům
Sokolská 31/490
120 26 Prague 2
Czech Republic


University Hospital Ostrava and Traumatology Centre of the University Hospital Ostrava
17. listopadu 1790
708 52 Ostrava-Poruba
Czech Republic


Aseita spol. s r.o.
Studentská 1770
700 32 Ostrava – Poruba
Czech Republic

Printing office:

Aseita spol. s r.o.
Studentská 1770
700 32 Ostrava – Poruba
Czech Republic

Contact for problem-solving: Ass. Prof. Leopold Pleva, MD, CSc., leopold.pleva@fno.cz

Please send the manuscripts in paper or electronic form to the following address:

Ass. Prof. Leopold Pleva, MD, CSc., Traumatology Centre of the University Hospital Ostrava, 17. listopadu 1790, 708 52 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic or to the Editorial Board email address: leopold.pleva@fno.cz

Instructions for Reviewers

Instructions for Reviewers

Reviewers assess a manuscript according to its topicality, importance, innovation and competitive ability. The quality of the discussion and conclusion, description style and validation, references and quotation are assessed. The Critical Review Form for Downloading.

The prerequisite to include the contribution in the Peer-review Process is the fact that the manuscript keeps the formal criteria stated in the Instructions for Authors.

The contributions are reviewed by two independent reviewers. They are chosen according to the specialties. Following their references it is suggested to complete the article and then it is submitted to the whole editorial board. The editorial board receives an entire issue and after its approval the particular contributions are sent to author’s proof to revise it before publication. All contributions must come through Czech language corrections.

Review proceedings are bilaterally anonymous. The manuscripts are viewed both from the content and formal aspects. The edition deliberately does not send the manuscripts to persons who are professionally or personally connected with the author. The advisory board starts from the reviews but the result is advisory board’s decision. Conclusion about the review is usually given to the author within two months after the filling date of receiving the manuscript. The reviewer can recommend to complete or to rewrite the manuscript. In this case the author is appealed to complete or rewrite the text within three weeks at the latest after receiving the reviews. The author carries out the corrections directly in the electronic compiled manuscript in another colour and encloses a brief list of the main changes in the file.

If the reviewer finds he is incompetent to evaluate the research presented in the manuscript or if he is not able to carry out the review on the ground of time, he announces these facts to the executive editor and excuses from the review-peer process.

The reviewers evaluate the presented piece objectively, no personal criticism is acceptable, they express their standpoints clearly and precisely with arguments. If the reviewer wants to consult the manuscript with another expert, he must keep the edition informed about this fact.

Editorial Board

Editor in Chief:

Ass. Prof. Leopold Pleva, MD, CSc.
Traumatology Centre of the University Hospital Ostrava and Institute of Emergency Medicine, Medical Faculty of the Ostrava University

Responsible Editor:

Contents of the Trauma Surgery journal

Ass. Prof. Leopold Pleva, MD, CSc.
Traumatology Centre of the University Hospital Ostrava and Institute of Emergency Medicine, Medical Faculty of the Ostrava University

Formal layout of the Trauma Surgery journal

Mgr. Pavla Segarová
Traumatology Centre of the University Hospital Ostrava and Institute of Emergency Medicine, Medical Faculty of the Ostrava University

Editorial Board members:

Prof. MUDr. Miroslav Zeman, DrSc.
Prof. MUDr. Petr Havránek, CSc.
MUDr. Vladimír Pokorný, CSc.
Doc. MUDr. Pavel Maňák, CSc.
Prof. MUDr. Petr Gál, Ph.D.
Doc. MUDr. František Vyhnánek, CSc.
Doc. MUDr. Michal Mašek, CSc.
Doc. MUDr. Igor Čižmář, Ph.D.
Prof. MUDr. Miroslav Kitka, CSc.
Prof. MUDr. Petr Šimko, CSc.
Prof. Dr. Roman Slodička, PhD.
Prof. Dr. Petr Patka, PhD. MD
Ass. Prof. MD Tomas Braunsteiner, PhD.

Instructions for Authors

Instructions for Authors

The journal of Trauma Surgery is a nationwide expert journal of the Czech Trauma Society ČLS JEP, which presents articles from domestic and foreign physicians from all specialities dealing with the diagnostics and treatment of injuries. The Editorial Board accepts expert reports, including original scientific articles, such as original works, case reports and reviews. Furthermore, the journal presents reports from congresses, refers on new books, informs about expert conferences, jubilees and other current news.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to perform minor stylistic adjustments of the text and to correct the spelling according to the progressive version. The main author of the article will be presented a preliminary printout of the work for author’s alteration prior to final submission for publication. The proofread copy needs to be sent back without any further delay; in case the Editorial Board does not receive a reply within five (5) working days from sending the material for proofreading, it will be considered a proclamation of author’s consent with the text. The presented material becomes the property of the Editorial Board, manuscripts will be returned only when specifically requested.

The author bears a full responsibility for the original character of the work, together with its factual and formal correctness. All materials undergo a linguistic review and peer-review, accomplished by at lest two reviewers.

The peer-review process is bilaterally anonymous. Editorial Board accepts manuscripts written in the English, Czech or Slovak languages. There is no honorarium for the published works or the peer-review. A signed copy of the Ethical Declaration must be enclosed with the manuscript as a compulsory enclosure. Editorial Board reserves the right to decline a text, the contents of which do not correspond with the scope of the journal, or which has not been approved in the peer-review process. Authors may submit their manuscripts in the electronic form, prepared in a text editor (preferably MS Word), with a commonly used font type (Times New Roman, Arial, Courier). Visual documentation must be saved in the TIFF or JPEG formats, in the resolution of at least 300x300 dpi, separately from the text file.

Tables with a heading above the table are presented at the end of the manuscript. Explanatory notes should be included under the table. The table must be understandable without any links to the text. All tables must be cross-referenced in the text (e.g. Tab. 1). Allowed abbreviations include the SI International System of Units and generally used abbreviations. It is not allowed to use footnotes. These may be listed in a numbered format at the end of the manuscript, above the list of literature. Manuscripts in the electronic form may be sent to the email address leopold.pleva@fno.cz, or to the editor’s postal address at Ass. Prof. Leopold Pleva, MD, CSc., Traumatology Centre of the University Hospital Ostrava, 17. listopadu 1790, 708 52 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic. Printed versions of the manuscripts are not required. Any work with formal inconsistencies will be returned to the author for rewriting. Authors must acquaint themselves with the Guidelines of Publication Ethics, which are accessible at http://www.prolekare.cz/urazova-chirurgie.

Legal relationships between the publisher and the author are modified according to the Copyright Act. The Editorial Board accepts manuscripts released for publication by the head of the department.

The manuscript consists of the following parts:

Title page: Please list the information in the following order: concise title of the work, full first name and surname of the author or authors, title and address of the workplace, speciality of the department/clinic; type of hospital

Summary: Must be presented in structured form and maximal extent of 250 words; it should clearly describe the Aim of the work, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion. The summary must be written in the third person, without any abbreviations. The structure of the summary copies the structure of the publication (bold italics shows the mandatory parts).

Keywords: 3-10 words or short formulations. We recommend the use of entry words listed in Index Medicus.

Aim: Concisely and clearly formulated question(s) to which the article seeks answers.

Type of work: Study – retrospective/prospective; - observational/interventional; - cohort/comparative; non/-randomized; - case report, literary review, etc.

Materials: observed period (dd-mm-yyyy – dd-mm-yyyy), patient file – number of patients; age (Ø; median; max-min); sex; single/multiple/associated injuries, ISS (Ø; median; max-min), number of fractures/injuries.

Methods: Inclusion and exclusion criteria, means of selecting study subjects into groups (comparative study), randomisation (randomised studies), data collection and processing – prospectively/retrospectively (include data sources), description of intervention(s) (treatment procedure), classification of injuries used in the article.

Results of the utmost importance:

  • a) clinical (e.g. period form the injury to surgery; length of hospitalization, etc.)
  • b) long-term (e.g. period of healing and definition of healing/non-healing; failure of osteosynthesis; reoperations, etc.)
  • c) functional (scores used for assessment of the final function/anatomy/patient satisfaction, etc.)
  • d) complications – systemic/local; biomechanical/biological; non/-infectious, etc.
  • e) follow-up: number of physicians performing patient follow-up; regular terms of control examinations and term of follow-up accomplishment – statistical processing: tests, level of significance.

The methods used are described in such detail, that they may be reproduced by other centres. Used medication and chemicals are characterized precisely. In order to protect the personal data of patients, patient names, initials or hospital record numbers are not included without patients’ informed consent. The same applies to photographs – covered eyes.

Results: In the structure presented in the Methods, summary of main results leading to conclusions, “Follow-up”: - period of follow-up (Ø; median; max-min); percentage of patients who completed follow-up and percentage of evaluated patients from the whole patient file, statistic homogeneity of the compared groups, statistical significance of the results.

Discussion: drawbacks/advantages of the presented work, validity of results (presence of distortion factors, etc.), comparison of the results with literature, remaining or newly emerging questions.

Conclusion: Concisely and clearly formulated answers to questions presented in the Aims of the work

Literature: Please use the ČSN ISO 690 (01 0197) standard. Abbreviated titles of journals are governed according to Index Medicus. At least 50% of citations must not be older than three years, with emphasis on Czech authors. Citations are listed in the alphabetical order, according to the names of the authors and are numbered. Please refer to the citations in the text with numbers only, in square brackets and italics.

Sample citation of a journal – SEDLÁČEK, I., KOLAŘÍKOVÁ, J. et al. Ošetřování poranění končetinových cév. Rozhl Chir. 1989, 10, 220–233. ISSN

(AUTHOR. Title of the work. Title of the journal. year, volume, page range. ISSN)

Sample citation of a book – BENEŠ, A. Chirurgie. 2nd edition Praha: Avicenum, 1972. p. 334 ISBN

(AUTHOR. Title of the work. Number of edition. Town of edition: title of the publishing house, year of publication. Total number of pages. ISBN)

Sample Internet citation WikipediA: Open encyclopaedia [online]. St. Petersburg (Florida): Wikimedia Foundation, 2009- [cit. 2009-06-25]. Czech version. Accessible at WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trest_smrti>

Instructions for Reviewers

Reviewers assess a manuscript according to its topicality, importance, innovation and competitive ability. The quality of the discussion and conclusion, description style and validation, references and quotation are assessed. The Critical Review Form for Downloading

The prerequisite to include the contribution in the Peer-review Process is the fact that the manuscript keeps the formal criteria stated in the Instructions for Authors.

The contributions are reviewed by two independent reviewers. They are chosen according to the specialties. Following their references it is suggested to complete the article and then it is submitted to the whole editorial board. The editorial board receives an entire issue and after its approval the particular contributions are sent to author’s proof to revise it before publication. All contributions must come through Czech language corrections.

Review proceedings are bilaterally anonymous. The manuscripts are viewed both from the content and formal aspects. The edition deliberately does not send the manuscripts to persons who are professionally or personally connected with the author. The advisory board starts from the reviews but the result is advisory board’s decision. Conclusion about the review is usually given to the author within two months after the filling date of receiving the manuscript. The reviewer can recommend to complete or to rewrite the manuscript. In this case the author is appealed to complete or rewrite the text within three weeks at the latest after receiving the reviews. The author carries out the corrections directly in the electronic compiled manuscript in another colour and encloses a brief list of the main changes in the file.

If the reviewer finds he is incompetent to evaluate the research presented in the manuscript or if he is not able to carry out the review on the ground of time, he announces these facts to the executive editor and excuses from the review-peer process.

The reviewers evaluate the presented piece objectively, no personal criticism is acceptable, they express their standpoints clearly and precisely with arguments. If the reviewer wants to consult the manuscript with another expert, he must keep the edition informed about this fact.

Instructions for Advertisers

We would like to offer you the possibility to present your products and services in the expert journal of Trauma Surgery.

Trauma Surgery is a nationwide expert journal of the Czech Trauma Society ČLS JEP, which presents articles from domestic and foreign physicians of all specialities, dealing with the diagnostics and treatment of injuries.

The journal is issued in the printed and electronic forms, four times a year, in the circulation of 500 copies, and is distributed to traumatology, surgical and orthopaedic departments in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

In case you are interested to advertise your products in this expert medical journal, please contact Mgr. Pavla Segarová at pavla.segarova@fno.cz.

We are looking forward to working with you.

Editorial Board of the Trauma Surgery journal

Contact us

Published by Czech Society for Trauma Surgery CzMA


Mgr. Pavla Segarová

Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava
Traumatologické centrum
17. listopadu 1790
708 52 Ostrava-Poruba

Phone: +420 597 375 002

E-mail: pavla.segarova@fno.cz

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