Cervikální karcinom v těhotenství
Cervikální karcinom v těhotenství
To evaluate management and outcome of pregnant women with cervical carcinoma.Design: Retrospective clinical study.Setting: Institute for Mother and Child Care, Prague, Czech Republic.Methods: Clinical data of pregnant women suffering from cervical carcinoma were summarizedand assessed. The primary treatment was radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomyincluding the foetus in utero in the first and early second trimester and caesarean section andradical surgery after viability of the foetus has been reached. Patients were assessed with regardto the stage of the disease and the stage of pregnancy.Results: In this retrospective study we discuss 8 cases of cervical cancer diagnosed during preg-nancy. According to the TNM classification 3 patients were in stage Ib1, 3 patients in stage Ib2,one patient in stage IIa and one patient in stage IIb. With the exception of one patient in stage IIball cases were operable with no complication after radical surgery. After a follow-up of at least 12months we are convinced that pregnancy has no negative effect on the prognosis of cervicalcancer.
Klíčová slova:
cervical carcinoma, pregnancy
Cervical Carcinoma during Pregnancy
To evaluate management and outcome of pregnant women with cervical carcinoma.Design: Retrospective clinical study.Setting: Institute for Mother and Child Care, Prague, Czech Republic.Methods: Clinical data of pregnant women suffering from cervical carcinoma were summarizedand assessed. The primary treatment was radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomyincluding the foetus in utero in the first and early second trimester and caesarean section andradical surgery after viability of the foetus has been reached. Patients were assessed with regardto the stage of the disease and the stage of pregnancy.Results: In this retrospective study we discuss 8 cases of cervical cancer diagnosed during preg-nancy. According to the TNM classification 3 patients were in stage Ib1, 3 patients in stage Ib2,one patient in stage IIa and one patient in stage IIb. With the exception of one patient in stage IIball cases were operable with no complication after radical surgery. After a follow-up of at least 12months we are convinced that pregnancy has no negative effect on the prognosis of cervicalcancer.
Key words:
cervical carcinoma, pregnancy
P. Šafář 1; M. Uhlíř 1; M. Janoušek 2; B. Konopásek 3
Působiště autorů:
Ústav pro péči o matku a dítě, Praha-Podolí, ředitel Ing. V. Wollmuth 2 Gynek. -porod. klinika 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha, přednosta prof. MUDr. J. Živný, DrSc. 3 Onkologická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha, přednosta doc. MUDr. L. Petruželka, CSc.
Vyšlo v časopise:
Ceska Gynekol 2000; (1): 50-52
To evaluate management and outcome of pregnant women with cervical carcinoma.Design: Retrospective clinical study.Setting: Institute for Mother and Child Care, Prague, Czech Republic.Methods: Clinical data of pregnant women suffering from cervical carcinoma were summarizedand assessed. The primary treatment was radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomyincluding the foetus in utero in the first and early second trimester and caesarean section andradical surgery after viability of the foetus has been reached. Patients were assessed with regardto the stage of the disease and the stage of pregnancy.Results: In this retrospective study we discuss 8 cases of cervical cancer diagnosed during preg-nancy. According to the TNM classification 3 patients were in stage Ib1, 3 patients in stage Ib2,one patient in stage IIa and one patient in stage IIb. With the exception of one patient in stage IIball cases were operable with no complication after radical surgery. After a follow-up of at least 12months we are convinced that pregnancy has no negative effect on the prognosis of cervicalcancer.
Klíčová slova:
cervical carcinoma, pregnancy
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