Doula – nový model porodu (kontinuální neprofesionální péče během porodu)
Doula – nový model porodu (kontinuální neprofesionální péče během porodu)
In the last few years world literature examined advantages related to the presence and support of an nonprofessional person (doula) during a delivery. Aside from encouraging the husbands to take an active part in the delivery there was a rise in popularity of doula’s help. The results of frequency questionnaire analysis show that in Poland parturients, first and foremost, expect support of a professional personnel (midwife, midwifery students).
Doula – a New Model of Delivery (continuous, nonprofessional care during the delivery)
In the last few years world literature examined advantages related to the presence and support of an nonprofessional person (doula) during a delivery. Aside from encouraging the husbands to take an active part in the delivery there was a rise in popularity of doula’s help. The results of frequency questionnaire analysis show that in Poland parturients, first and foremost, expect support of a professional personnel (midwife, midwifery students).
W. Guzikowski
Působiště autorů:
Public Higther Medical Professional School, Opole? Poland
; Gynecologic – Obstetrical and Neonatus Hospital Opole, Poland
Vyšlo v časopise:
Ceska Gynekol 2006; 71(2): 103-105
Původní práce
In the last few years world literature examined advantages related to the presence and support of an nonprofessional person (doula) during a delivery. Aside from encouraging the husbands to take an active part in the delivery there was a rise in popularity of doula’s help. The results of frequency questionnaire analysis show that in Poland parturients, first and foremost, expect support of a professional personnel (midwife, midwifery students).
Detská gynekológia Gynekológia a pôrodníctvo Reprodukčná medicínaČlánok vyšiel v časopise
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