The purpose of the study was to extend knowledge about the parametrization of traction spiral stabilization using muscle chains in the educational process. The participants were 26 students aged 19 to 25 years who attended the Technical University in Košice. After getting information about the aim and content of the research the students participated in pretest and posttest sessions aimed to assess postural parameters (Shoulder Height Left, Shoulder Height Right, Shoulder 2 Shoulder Caliper, Neck Back Height, Neck Front Height) using the full body 3D scanner TC2 NX 16. The experimental factor was an intervention exercise program based on the SM system (SM – stabilization, mobilization = SPS method – Spiralstabilization of the spine). This program took place over 11 weeks during physical education classes. However, the effect of this variable on postural parameters was difficult to determine. Therefore, the individual analysis of collected data seemed to be necessary. Our practical experience has shown that individual approach plays an important role. The correlations between particular pairs of parameters were determined using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The results showed a significant correlation between SHL and S2SC (Shoulder Height Left and Shoulder 2 Shoulder Caliper) during the stabilization phase (posttest). The interpreted data and actually increasing number of movement patterns in university students create the need to study the anatomical structures both theoretically and practically. Therefore, it will be necessary to design and administer a compensatory exercise intervention for the population concerned.

movement pattern, muscle chains, posture, spine stabilization, Spinal Mouse®, full body 3D scanner

Autoři: Miroslava Barcalová 1,3;  Jozef Živčák 1;  Rút Lenková 2;  Ľuboš Vojtaško 2,3;  Erika Liptáková 4;  Viktória Rajťúková 1;  Viktória Krajňáková 1
Působiště autorů: Technical University in Košice, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Measurement, Košice, Slovakia 1;  University of Prešov, Faculty of Sports, Department of Sports Kinanthropology, Prešov, Slovakia 2;  Technical University in Košice, Department of Physical Education, Košice, Slovakia 3;  Technical University in Košice, Faculty of Economics, Department of Applied Mathematics and Business Informatics, Košice, Slovakia 4
Vyšlo v časopise: Lékař a technika - Clinician and Technology No. 1, 2017, 47, 23-29
Kategorie: Původní práce


The purpose of the study was to extend knowledge about the parametrization of traction spiral stabilization using muscle chains in the educational process. The participants were 26 students aged 19 to 25 years who attended the Technical University in Košice. After getting information about the aim and content of the research the students participated in pretest and posttest sessions aimed to assess postural parameters (Shoulder Height Left, Shoulder Height Right, Shoulder 2 Shoulder Caliper, Neck Back Height, Neck Front Height) using the full body 3D scanner TC2 NX 16. The experimental factor was an intervention exercise program based on the SM system (SM – stabilization, mobilization = SPS method – Spiralstabilization of the spine). This program took place over 11 weeks during physical education classes. However, the effect of this variable on postural parameters was difficult to determine. Therefore, the individual analysis of collected data seemed to be necessary. Our practical experience has shown that individual approach plays an important role. The correlations between particular pairs of parameters were determined using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The results showed a significant correlation between SHL and S2SC (Shoulder Height Left and Shoulder 2 Shoulder Caliper) during the stabilization phase (posttest). The interpreted data and actually increasing number of movement patterns in university students create the need to study the anatomical structures both theoretically and practically. Therefore, it will be necessary to design and administer a compensatory exercise intervention for the population concerned.

movement pattern, muscle chains, posture, spine stabilization, Spinal Mouse®, full body 3D scanner


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