PR illiteracy of anaesthesiologists?

Published in the journal: Anest. intenziv. Med., 33, 2022, č. 5, s. 195
Category: Editorial


1. Sherer D. Wake‑up Call! Anesthesiology News, 8. 7. 2022. [Internet]. [cited 2022-11-21]. Available from: https://www.anesthesiologynews.com/Medical‑Monitor/ Article/07-22/ Why‑Are‑We‑So‑Misunderstood‑Cultural‑Illiteracy‑and‑the‑Anesthesiologist/ 67365.

2. Sherer D. Wake‑up Call! Anesthesiology News, 21. 10. 2022. [Internet]. [cited 2022-11- 21]. Available from: https://www.anesthesiologynews.com/Commentary/Article/10-22/ Cultural‑Illiteracy‑and‑the‑Anesthesiologist/ 68290.

Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Inten Intensive Care Medicine
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