Year 2022 in review – Pre-hospital emergency care

Authors: R. Škulec
Authors place of work: Výukové pracoviště Point‑of‑Care, ultrasonografie, Institut postgraduálního vzdělávání ve zdravotnictví, Praha ;  Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem ;  Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové ;  Klinika anesteziologie, resuscitace a intenzivní medicíny, Univerzita Karlova, Lékařská fakulta v Hradci Králové ;  Masarykova nemocnice v Ústí nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem ;  Klinika anesteziologie, perioperační a intenzivní medicíny, Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem
Published in the journal: Anest. intenziv. Med., 33, 2022, č. 6, s. 248-252
Category: Review Article
doi: https://doi.org/10.36290/aim.2022.046


In this article, the author presents a set of annotated papers published in 2022 in the world literature that are significantly related to pre-hospital care.


pre-hospital emergency care – 2022


1. Choi DH, Ro YS, Kim KH, Park JH, Jeong J, Hong KJ, et al. The association between alcohol intake shortly before arrest and survival outcomes of out‑of‑hospital cardiac arrest. Resuscitation. 2022;173:39-46.

2. Bernard SA, Bray JE, Smith K, Stephenson M, Finn J, Grantham H, et al. Effect of Lower vs Higher Oxygen Saturation Targets on Survival to Hospital Discharge Among Patients Resuscitated After Out‑of‑Hospital Cardiac Arrest: The EXACT Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022; Epub ahead of print.

3. Doan TN, Wilson D, Rashford S, Sims L, Bosley E. Epidemiology, management and survival outcomes of adult out‑of‑hospital traumatic cardiac arrest due to blunt, penetrating or burn injury. Emerg Med J. 2022;39(2):111-117.

4. Ohlén D, Hedberg M, Martinsson P, von Oelreich E, Djärv T, Jonsson Fagerlund M. Characteristics and outcome of traumatic cardiac arrest at a level 1 trauma centre over 10 years in Sweden. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2022;30(1):54.

5. Soar J, Perkins GD, Abbas G, Alfonzo A, Barelli A, Bierens JJLM, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines for Resuscitation 2010 Section 8. Cardiac arrest in special circumstances: Electrolyte abnormalities, poisoning, drowning, accidental hypothermia, hyperthermia, asthma, anaphylaxis, cardiac surgery, trauma, pregnancy, electrocution. Resuscitation. 2010;81(10):1400-1433.

6. Lott C, Truhlář A, Alfonzo A, Barelli A, González‑Salvado V, Hinkelbein J, et al. European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021: Cardiac arrest in special circumstances. Resuscitation. 2021;161:152-219.

7. Mentzelopoulos SD, Zakynthinos SG, Tzoufi M, Katsios N, Papastylianou A, Gkisioti S, et al. Vasopressin, Epinephrine, and Corticosteroids for In‑Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(1):15-24.

8. Mentzelopoulos SD, Malachias S, Chamos C, Konstantopoulos D, Ntaidou T, Papastylianou A, et al. Vasopressin, Steroids, and Epinephrine and Neurologically Favorable Survival After In‑Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2013;310(3):270-279.

9. Granfeldt A, Sindberg B, Isbye D, Kjærgaard J, Kristensen CM, Darling S, et al. Effect of vasopressin and methylprednisolone vs. placebo on long‑term outcomes in patients with in‑hospital cardiac arrest a randomized clinical trial. Resuscitation. 2022;175:67-71.

10. Belohlavek J, Smalcova J, Rob D, Franek O, Smid O, Pokorna M, et al. Effect of Intra‑arrest Transport, Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, and Immediate Invasive Assessment and Treatment on Functional Neurologic Outcome in Refractory Out‑of‑Hospital Cardiac Arrest A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2022;327(8):737-747.

11. Derkenne C, Jost D, Roquet F, Corpet P, Frattini B, Kedzierewicz R, et al. Assessment of emergency physicians’ performance in identifying shockable rhythm in out‑of‑hospital cardiac arrest: an observational simulation study. Emerg Med J. 2022;39:347-352.

12. Jacobsen L, Grenne B, Olsen RB, Jortveit J. Feasibility of prehospital identification of non‑ST‑elevation myocardial infarction by ECG, troponin and echocardiography. Emerg Med J. 2022;39(9):679-684.

13. Finn JC, Brink D, McKenzie N, Garcia A, Tohira H, Perkins GD, et al. Prehospital continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) for acute respiratory distress: A randomised controlled trial. Emergency Medicine Journal. 2022;39(1):37-44.

14. King C, Lewinsohn A, Keeliher C, McLachlan S, Sherrin J, Khan‑Cheema H, et al. Cardiovascular complications of prehospital emergency anaesthesia in patients with return of spontaneous circulation following medical cardiac arrest: a retrospective comparison of ketamine‑based and midazolam‑based induction protocols. Emerg Med J. 2022;39(9):672-678.

15. Willmot M, Ghadami A, Whysall B, Clarke W, Wardlaw J, Bath PMW. Transdermal glyceryl trinitrate lowers blood pressure and maintains cerebral blood flow in recent stroke. Hypertension. 2006;47(6):1209-1215.

16. van den Berg SA, Uniken Venema SM, Reinink H, Hofmeijer J, Schonewille WJ, Miedema I, et al. Prehospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate in patients with presumed acute stroke (MR ASAP): an ambulance‑based, multicentre, randomised, open‑label, blinded endpoint, phase 3 trial. Lancet Neurol. 2022;21(11):971-987.

17. Crombie N, Doughty HA, Bishop JRB, Desai A, Dixon EF, Hancox JM, et al. Resuscitation with blood products in patients with trauma‑related haemorrhagic shock receiving prehospital care (RePHILL): a multicentre, open‑label, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet Haematol. 2022;9(4):e250-e261. ZAJÍMAVOSTI Z

Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Inten Intensive Care Medicine
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