Results of a non-interventional real-world evaluation (EZRA): a fixed combination of rosuvastatin and ezetimibe in patients with primary hypercholesterolemia
Eva Tůmová 1; Jana Mašková 2; Jiří Laštůvka 3; Michal Vrablík 1
Authors‘ workplace:
III. interní klinika, klinika endokrinologie a metabolismu, 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
2; Interní oddělení, Masarykova nemocnice v Ústí nad Labem, o. z, Krajská zdravotní, a. s
Published in:
AtheroRev 2022; 7(1): 35-41
Clinical Studies
We reduce cardiovascular risk through a comprehensive intervention of modifiable risk factors. Among them, the treatment of dyslipidemia dominates, when achieving the target values of atherogenic lipids significantly improves the prognosis of patients. The cross-sectional monitoring of EZRA evaluated the achievement of treatment goals in the field of dyslipidemia in a cohort of patients with an average to very high cardiovascular risk monitored by outpatient specialists in conditions of routine practice. Patients indicated for the combination of rosuvastatin and ezetimibe were enrolled and the effect of including a fixed combination of these drugs on dyslipidemia control was evaluated. After 3 months of follow-up, an average decrease in LDL-C of 32 % was achieved, triglyceridemia decreased by 22 %. The number of patients reaching the target values in the very high risk category increased fivefold, and even tenfold in the high risk category. EZRA monitoring recalls the importance of hypolipidemic combination therapy, which should be offered to virtually all patients at high and very high CV risk, preferably in a fixed combination.
fixed combination – cardiovascular risk – ezetimibe – rosuvastatin – LDL-cholesterol
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