Possibilities of using telemedicine methods in the management of lipitension

Authors: Adriána Jarolímková 1,2,3;  Patrik Buček 1;  Štefan Tóth 1,2,3
Authors‘ workplace: Kardiologická ambulancia, Kardiocomp s. r. o., Košice 1;  SLOVACRIN, LF UPJŠ v Košiciach 2;  MEDIPARK, LF UPJŠ v Košiciach 3
Published in: AtheroRev 2025; 10(1): 45-51
Category: Reviews


Currently, despite significant advances in the treatment of acute cardiovascular (CV) events, rates of blood pressure control and dyslipidemia, as major risk factors for CV disease (CVD), are stagnant and traditional approaches often fail. Initiatives in digital medicine have already started to emerge before the COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally impacted the way healthcare is delivered. Arterial hypertension is an ideal candidate for remote management, and digital solutions in this area are rapidly gaining traction. Studies have shown that telemedicine methods significantly reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure of patients and help improve achievement of target blood pressure values and adherence to therapy. However, it was also shown that mHealth (mobile Health) methods had to be associated with concurrent consultation with a healthcare professional. Self-monitoring or “selfcouching” apps that worked on passive data collection did not show the above results. It has also been shown that there are many barriers to the implementation of these technologies, such as instrumentation (use of validated blood pressure monitors and measurement methods), financial (health insurance reimbursement, cost to the patient), legislative (mainly privacy) and also the lack of standardization in this area. Telemedicine methods have also started to be applied in the management of dyslipidemia, where it has been found that remote patient management with simultaneous information to the patient about his/her CV risk can significantly help to improve adherence to therapy and in achieving target values of lipid parameters.


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Angiology Diabetology Internal medicine Cardiology General practitioner for adults

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