Extravasation of Cytostatic Drugs – Prevention and Best Practices
V. Maňásek
Authors‘ workplace:
Společnost pro porty a permanentní katetry, Praha Onkologické oddělení, Komplexní onkologické centrum Nový Jičín, Nemocnice Nový Jičín, a. s.
Published in:
Klin Onkol 2016; 29(2): 93-99
Extravasation is the leakage of a drug (intended primarily for intravenous administration) into tissues surrounding the vascular system. The damage to surrounding varies depending on the nature and volume of extravasation. Cytostatic extravasation is associated with poor outcomes for patients. This paper summarizes the types of risk associated with cytostatic extravasation, and the preventative measures that can be used when such an event occurs. We also provide information on potential treatments. However, justification for their use has only been substantiated in papers with different levels of significance and these papers are not available in all countries. We summarize current international recommendations for actions to be taken in the event of extravasation.
Key words:
extravasation – cytostatic agents – soft tissues injuries – antidotes – catheterization
The author declares he has no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.
The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE recommendation for biomedical papers.
23. 6. 2015
9. 1. 2016
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