Analysis of progression of number and structure of scans performed using PET, PET/ CT and PET/ MRI in the Czech Republic in 2013– 2021
J. Adam 1,2; A. Svobodník 3; R. Štěpánová 3; D. Zogala 4; M. Havel 5; T. Büchler 6; M. Svoboda 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Masarykův onkologický ústav, Brno
1; ÚJV Řež, a. s.
2; Farmakologický ústav, LF MU Brno
3; Ústav nukleární medicíny 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze
4; Klinika nukleární medicíny LF OU a FN Ostrava
5; Onkologická klinika 2. LF UK a FN Motol, Praha
Published in:
Klin Onkol 2024; 38(4): 259-269
Original Articles
Background: Positron emission tomography (PET) is a state-of-the-art diagnostic method of nuclear medicine, used for diagnostics of many pathological states in the organism, first and foremost in oncological issues. The first analysis of utilization and potential utilization of PET in the Czech Republic was published in 2013. In the following years, there was a sharp increase in a number of PET/CT and PET/MRI scanners in the country; in 2013–2021, it doubled. Simultaneously with the increase in scans performed, the range of available radiopharmaceuticals also broadened. Material and methods: The study analyses the numbers and structure of PET, PET/CT and PET/MRI scans in the 2013–2021 period, using the pseudonymized data acquired from the General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republic. The data was evaluated through a series of qualitative and quantitative indicators (number of scans performed, structure of diagnoses, use of different tracers, and availability of a scan for a patient). Results: In the observed interval of time, the number of scans performed practically doubled, both thanks to more scanners installed and more radiopharmaceuticals available. The percentage of oncological and non-oncological scans remains more or less the same. Nevertheless, the regional differences in a number of scans performed persist, as does the availability of the scan for patients. Conclusion: PET is still a dynamically developing molecular imaging method in the Czech Republic. The analysis of a number and structure of scans performed offers a priceless overview of the development of the method over the years, in regard to diagnoses, utilization of individual radiopharmaceuticals or geographic distribution of scans performed. The observed findings are a motivation for further analyses.
Positron emission tomography – nuclear medicine – radiopharmaceuticals
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