Comparison of patient mortality after proximal femoral fracture in the periods 1995–2002 and 2003–2010

Authors: Ševčík Tomáš 1;  Tomková Soňa 2;  Lorinczová Zuzana 2
Authors‘ workplace: Klinika muskuloskeletárnej a športovej medicíny LF UPJŠ a Nemocnica Košice-Šaca a. s., 1. súkromná nemocnica, Košice, Slovensko 1;  Interná klinika LF UPJŠ a Nemocnica Košice-Šaca a. s., 1. súkromná nemocnica, Košice, Slovensko 2
Published in: Clinical Osteology 2018; 23(3): 94-99


The aim of the study:

Monitoring of the occurrence of osteoporotic fractures of the proximal femur and the mortality of patients after these fractures at individual time intervals within one year of the accident in the period of 2003–2010 and comparison of the results with those from 1995–2002.

Material and methods:

Retrospective study, data collection from the ORDINiS hospital database and E-health database. Patients hospitalized in the orthopedic surgery department with the proximal femoral osteoporotic fracture between 2003–2010, with patients aged up to 50 years, patients with pathological fractures and those with insufficient data in the system being excluded from the study. 4 mortality periods assessed: within 10 days following surgery, 10–90 days and 90–365 days following surgery, and an annual cumulative mortality rate.


The mortality rate within ten days after surgery in our set was 9.09% for males and 4.18% for females. For the second period between 10–90 days, the mortality rate was 12.12% among males and 13.95% among females. Mortality from the 90th day to the completed year after the accident reached 13.13 % for males and 13.48 % for females. Annual cumulative mortality reached 32.34% for males and 28.62% for females, i.e. the cumulative annual mortality rate for both sexes equalled 0.3%.


Despite the effort to reduce early mortality after a proximal femoral fracture, the progress is very slow and approximately 30% of the patients die within a year’s time after the accident.


mortality – osteoporosis – proximal femoral fracture

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