Pituitary Adenoma Therapy
D. Netuka; V. Masopust; V. Beneš
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurochirurgická klinika 1. LF UK, IPVZ a ÚVN Praha
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2011; 74/107(3): 240-253
Pituitary adenomas constitute 10–15% of intracranial tumours. These lesions are benign in the vast majority of cases. A combination of medical, neurosurgical and radiosurgical means is applied in treating them. A ‘watch-and-wait’ strategy is also a legitimate approach to treatment in certain cases. Only an appropriate combination of these modalities yields the best possible outcome. Close collaboration between endocrinologist, neurosurgeon and radiosurgeon is therefore essential. The endoscopic technique of pituitary adenoma resection is among the newer developments in surgical treatment, and intra-operative MR facilitates improved surgical results. This leads us to believe that intra-operative MR is indicated in surgery of sellar lesions. The goal of treatment is pituitary adenoma control, enabling the patient to live a normal life, of normal life expectancy, without hormonal substitution (whenever possible) and without visual impairment.
Key words:
pituitary adenoma – endocrinology – radiosurgery – endoscopy – intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging
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