Results of the IOP Decrease after Application of Some Mixtures of Amino Acids and Antiglaucomatics in Rabbits (A Review of Experimental Publications)
Z. Oláh; J. Veselovský
Authors‘ workplace:
Oláh Z., Veselovský J.
Published in:
Čes. a slov. Oftal., 67, 2011, No. 5-6, p. 187-190
Original Article
To summarise of experimental results performed on rabbit eyes focused to influence the physiological intraocular pressure (IOP) after application of some amino acids mixture with some regularly used antiglaucomatics.
Material and methods:
The experiments were performed on adult rabbits (female of the New Zealand White species). The applicated substances were: 10 % solution of amino acids (L-lysin.2HCl.2H2O, L-arginine.HCL or L-glycine.HCL) in antiglau-comatics 0.5 % timolol (Timoptol) or 0.005 % latanoprost (Xalatan). This mixture was applicated to the left eye; right eye was used as control. The measurement of IOP and pupil diameter was performed before instillation, in 15th, 30th, 60th, 180th, 240th minute and 24 hours after application.
Functional bioactivity of the used antiglaucomatics in case of decreased IOP is rising after interaction with the relevant specific amino acid. Glycine in timolol showed the highest effect on average decrease of the IOP physiological values (IOP decrease reached – 5,5 torr) followed by arginine in timolol (IOP decrease reached – 3,3 torr). The IOP decrease after other combinations of amino acids and antiglaucomatics was in average lower or nonsignificant.
Through interaction between in vitro prepared mixture free amino acids and antiglaucomatics a new, biologically active substance (metabolite) is created. After instillation in experimental condition achieving stronger and longer decrease of the IOP compared with a single antiglaucomatic or amino acid.
Key words:
Compared the effect of the amino acids and antiglaucomatic drug mixtures on the rabbit’s IOP.
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OphthalmologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Ophthalmology

2011 Issue 5-6
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