Metabolic syndrome in older patients

Authors: H. Matějovská Kubešová;  J. Matějovský;  I. Bychler;  Z. Čejglová;  F. Dvorský;  I. Leixner;  M. Navratilova;  P. Tomeček;  H. Meluzínová
Authors place of work: Klinika interní, geriatrie a praktického lékařství LF MU a FN Brno
Published in the journal: Čes Ger Rev 2009; 7(3-4): 110-116


The paper provides a summary of metabolic syndrome definitions and criteria defining the dia­gnosis. Pathological and physiological aspects of the component parts of metabolic syndrome – insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherogenic hyperlipidaemia – are explored; the association between hyperuricaemia and metabolic syndrome is also discussed. The paper further includes our own research results – studies on metabolic syndrome incidence in senior populations living in their own homes. Collaboration between general practitioners of the south-western Moravian regions and the Internal Medicine, Geriatric and General Medicine Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine Masaryk University and University Hospital Brno enabled assessment of 147 seniors; the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, as defined by the IDF, was confirmed in the total of 23 clients, i.e. 15.7% of the sample. In addition, a significant proportion of the sample fulfilled 3 criteria - 18 clients, 12.1%. A notable correlation was identified between the incidence of metabolic syndrome and age – r = –1.10, p > 0.05 – i. e. a trend towards lower incidence in higher age. The incidence of metabolic syndrome showed significant negative correlation with cognitive functioning (MMSE) - r = –0.44 and self-sufficiency (ADL) – r = –0.44. Depending on the applied clinical criteria, the incidence of metabolic syndrome in older patients is about 20–40 %. The incidence of metabolic syndrome in older population is significantly negatively associated with cognitive functioning, self-sufficiency and incidence of depression.

metabolic syndrome – hypertension – insulin resistance – diabetes mellitus – obesity – hyperlipidaemia – cognitive impairment – self-sufficiency – depression


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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults

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Czech Geriatric Review

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