Guillain-Barré syndrome in pregnancy
Hledíková Andrea 1; Hruban Lukáš 1; Jura René 2; Sas Igor 3; Hrdý Ondřej 3; Janků Petr 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
1; Neurologická klinika LF MU a FN Brno
2; Klinika anesteziologie, resuscitace a intenzivní medicíny LF MU a FN Brno
Published in:
Ceska Gynekol 2021; 86(3): 189-193
Case Report
Objective: A case report of a 23-year-old pregnant woman diagnosed with Guillain-Barré syndrome in the 31st week of pregnancy.
Case report: We present a case study of a patient in the 31st week of pregnancy hospitalized at the University Hospital in Brno for expressed bulbar syndrome, neck muscle weakness, paresthesia of the arms and medical history of diarrhea in the previous week. During hospitalization, there was a rapid progression of symptoms and respiratory failure, requiring orotracheal intubation. The diagnosis of Guillain-Barré syndrome was determined and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy was initiated. The pregnancy was terminated in the 32nd week of gestation based on the maternal indication after a completed lung maturation of the fetus.
Conclusion: Guillain-Barré syndrome is a neurological disease that can rarely occur during pregnancy and puerperium. The syndrome presents a serious pregnancy complication with an uncertain prognosis and risk for both mother and fetus. If the syndrome is diagnosed in time and treated correctly, the prognosis is favorable despite the complicated course.
Guillain-Barre syndrome – respiratory failure in pregnancy – maternal morbidity – neurological symptomatology – intravenous immunoglobulins – neurological consequences
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Paediatric gynaecology Gynaecology and obstetrics Reproduction medicineArticle was published in
Czech Gynaecology

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