Treatment of wrist extensors

Authors: J. Pilný 1;  J. Krejzová 2;  M. Řihošková 3;  L. Vodochodský 1;  V. Báča 4
Authors‘ workplace: Ortopedické oddělení, Pardubická krajská nemocnice, 1Fakulta medicínských studií, Univerzita Pardubice 1;  Soukromá revmatologická ambulance, Hradec Králové, 3Revmatologická ambulance, Nemocnice s poliklinikou Havířov, 4Edukační centrum pro anatomii a endoskopie při Ústavu anatomie 3. LF UK, Praha 2
Published in: Čes. Revmatol., 16, 2008, No. 2, p. 70-73.
Category: Original Papers


Rheumatic damage of wrist extensors is a frequent consequence of this disease which leads to a functional damage of hand. The surgeries in this area are divided into preventive operations, including synovectomy of extensors and function saving operations of hand, that is synovectomy with reparation of ruptured tendons. The authors assess a group of 26 patients, in which they performed surgeries of hand extensors. Preventive synovectomy was performed in 3 patients (12%), synovectomy after rupture of one tendon in 8 patients (31%), after rupture of two tendons in 7 patients (27%), after rupture of three tendons in 4 patients (15%), as well as after rupture of four tendons in 4 patients (15%). Since there were deformities in the area of wrist, it was necessary to complete the treatment of tendon with a skeletal operation. There were 9 patients (34%) without skeletal operation, radiocarpal arthrodesis in 3 patients (12%), total wrist arthrodesis in 8 patients (31%), and total wrist arthrodesis was performed at the same time with treatment of distal radioulnar joint in 6 patients (23%). The Sauvé-Kapandji procedure was performed four times and Darrach procedure was performed twice.

Key words:
hand extensors, tenosynovitis of extensors, tenosynovectomy


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