Current treatment options for enthesitis
Š. Forejtová; M. Votavová
Authors‘ workplace:
Revmatologický ústav Praha
Published in:
Čes. Revmatol., 25, 2017, No. 3, p. 124-139.
Review Article
Enthesitis is one of the basic clinical manifestations of spondyloarthritis. Initially, the pharmacological treatment of enthesitis was limited to local corticosteroid injections or continuous non-steroidal anti-rheumatic therapy, since efficacy of non-biologic DMARDs has never been conclusively proven. Over the past decade, several anti-TNFα agents such as infliximab, etanercept, golimumab or certolizumab have been evaluated in several studies. At the same time, it has been found that T lymphocytes in entheses (i.e. at the site of the attachment of the tendon and the bone) play an important role in the pathogenesis of spondyloarthritis. A major role in the development of spondyloarthritis is played by IL-23 and its receptor, which directly affect Th17 lymphocytes. These can be found in but are not limited to entheses, and produce cytokines such as IL-21, IL-22 and IL-17, which then contribute to the development of four pathological processes in spondyloarthropathies, such as pannus formation in the joints, development of osteitis and joint erosion, bone formation and development of psoriatic plaques. Efficacy in the treatment of enthesitis was demonstrated in ustekinumab, a monoclonal antibody against the p40 subunit of IL-12 and IL-23, as well as secukinumab, a fully human anti-IL-17A antibody. Other agents that have been shown to be effective in treating spondyloarthropathy are apremilast, an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 4; limited data also exist for tofacitinib, a JAK-3 inhibitor. There are also studies ongoing with other IL-17 inhibitors, and partial results are known for ixekizumab. There is only limited data demonstrating the effect of physiotherapy in the treatment of enthesitis..
Key words:
Enthesitis, spondyloarthritis, anti-TNFα, anti- IL17, secukinumab, apremilast, tofacitinib
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2017 Issue 3
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