Paraneoplastic syndrom

Authors: Š. Forejtová
Authors place of work: Revmatologický ústav Praha
Published in the journal: Čes. Revmatol., 27, 2019, No. 4, p. 186-202.
Category: Review Article


Paraneoplastic syndromes represent various manifestations of the primarily formed tumor, which, however, can be occult at the time of the appearance of the paraneoplastic symptomatology. They are caused by a wide spectrum of distant effects of tumors, which are not related to the mechanical action of tumor masses or distant metastases. The pathogenesis of paraneoplastic manifestations is not yet quite clear, but these syndromes usually arise as a result of secretions of hormones, peptides and various cytokine cells of the tumor, or as an immune-mediated cross-reaction between malignant and normal tissues. A number of paraneoplastic manifestations precede their own manifestations of malignancy by several months or even years, their good knowledge can contribute to the timely diagnosis of the tumor and thus to the early initiation of treatment. The course of the symptomatology of paraneoplastic syndrome often replicates the actual course of the tumor, when paraneoplastic syndrome is resolved after cure of the malignancy, and the reappearance of its manifestations is a sign of recurrence of malignancy. In some cases, for example, in paraneoplastic syndromes with neurological manifestations, there may be irreversible changes due to cross-reactivity between the tumor and the nervous tissue. Haematological paraneoplastic syndromes are often otherwise clinically asymptomatic, and they are usually a manifestation of advanced malignancy.


paraneoplastic syndrome – cancer-associated myositis – paraneoplastic synovitis – paraneoplastic vasculitis – paraneoplastic bone disease


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