Validation of Czech versions of questionnaires assessing functional impairment in patients with systemic sclerosis: Scleroderma Health Assessment Questionnaire (SHAQ), Cochin Hand Functional Scale (CHFS), Mouth Handicap in Systemic Sclerosis (MHISS), UCLA Scleroderma Clinical Trial Consortium Gastrointestinal Tract 2.0 (UCLA SCTC GIT 2.0)
S. Heřmánková B.oreská * 1,* 2,3; H. Šmucrová 2; M. Mikulášová 2; M. Špiritović 1,2; H. Štorkánová 2,3; R. Bečvář 2,3; J. Vencovský 2,3; H. Mann 2,3; M. Tomčík 2,3
Authors‘ workplace:
autorky přispěly stejnou mírou
*; Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu, Katedra fyzioterapie, Univerzita Karlova, Praha
1; Revmatologický ústav Praha
2; Revmatologická klinika 1. lékařské fakulty, Univerzita Karlova, Praha
Published in:
Čes. Revmatol., 28, 2020, No. 4, p. 216-230.
Original article
significant impact on a patient’s quality of life. Several specific tools have been developed to assess the impact of this disease on the patient’s functional disability in everyday life, including Scleroderma Health Assessment Questionaire (SHAQ), Cochin Hand Functional Scale (CHFS), Mouth Handicap in Systemic Sclerosis (MHISS) a UCLA Scleroderma Clinical Trial Consortium Gastrointestinal Tract 2.0 (UCLA SCTC GIT 2.0).
The aim of this work was to perform the Czech translation and linguistic validation of the above-mentioned Patient-reported outcome measures. The original versions of the questionnaires were translated by three independent bilingual rheumatologists and consensually discussed and synthesized by the authors of this paper. In the next step, six bilingual non-physicians commented on the linguistic and content aspects of the questionnaires, and their comments were taken into account by an expert panel. Subsequently, two independent blinded translators carried out a back-translation. Consensually, pre-final Czech versions of the questionnaires were created, which were afterward filled out by 55 patients with SSc.
A feedback questionnaire was used to assess the comprehensibility and conciseness of each question. All patients with SSc considered questionnaires clear and understandable. This work has resulted in the development of the Czech versions of the SHAQ, CHFS, MHISS, and UCLA SCTC GIT 2.0. questionnaires. Patients with SSc achieved scores that were numerically similar to the results of previously published studies. These questionnaires may be appropriate tools to be used in clinical research and routine clinical practice.
systemic sclerosis – Scleroderma Health Assessment Questionaire – Cochin Hand Functional Scale –Mouth Handicap in Systemic Sclerosis – UCLA Scleroderma Clinical Trial Consortium Gastrointestinal Tract (UCLA GIT 2.0) – linguistic validation
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