Comorbidities in spondyloarthritits

Authors: K. Mintálová
Authors place of work: Revmatologický ústav Praha
Published in the journal: Čes. Revmatol., 30, 2022, No. 3, p. 106-113.
Category: Review Article


The term spondyloarthritis (SpA) includes inflammatory rheumatic diseases affecting mainly the axial skeleton. Based on the predominant involvement of the axial or peripheral skeleton, we distinguish between peripheral and axial spondyloarthritis. The axial form is characterized by inflammatory back pain developing before the age of 45. In axial spondyloarthritis, we further distinguish between the radiographic form, when sacroiliitis is present on the X-ray image, and the non-radiographic form, when sacroiliitis is captured only on MRI of the sacroiliac joint. Extraspinal manifestations of spondyloarthritis include peripheral articular manifestations, enthesitis, as well as skin, eye, and intestinal involvement (psoriasis, uveitis, inflammatory bowel disease). In addition to these manifestations directly related to SpA, we see some other diseases more often than in the general population (so-called comorbidities). The most important comorbidities in spondyloarthritis include osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, lung involvement, infections, malignancies, peptic ulcers, and depression. Among the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, arterial hypertension, smoking, dyslipidemia, and diabetes play an important role. The occurrence of comorbidities is closely Komorbidity u spondyloartritid Adresa pro korespondenci: MUDr. Kateřina Mintálová Revmatologický ústav Na Slupi 4 128 50 Praha 2 e-mail: mintalova@revma.cz Autorka prohlašuje, že není v konfliktu zájmů. Do redakce doručeno: 31. 7. 2022 Čes. Revmatol. 2022; 30(3): 106–113 Mintálová K. Revmatologický ústav Praha 107 related to the activity and duration of the underlying disease, functional disability, and mortality. Screening and care for comorbidities in patients with SpA should be as important as therapy for the underlying disease in optimizing patient care.


ankylosing spondylitis – comorbidities – spondyloarthritis

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