Some Genetic Aspects of Cutaneous T-cell Lymphomas
Některé genetické aspekty kožních T-lymfomů
Studie je zaměřena na asociaci mezi T-buněčnými lymfomy kožními a některými předpokláda-nými složkami genetického základu organismu, jež mohou participovat na vzniku těchto kožníchT-buněčných lymfomů.
Klíčová slova:
ACE - TNF - kožní T-lymfomy - genetický polymorfismus
V. Vašků 1; A. Vašků 2; L. Izakovičová-Hollá 2; S. Tschöplová 2; J. Vácha 2; V. Semrádová 1
Authors‘ workplace:
1. dermatovenerologická klinika FN U sv. Anny, Brnopřednostka doc. MUDr. Věra Semrádová, CSc. 2 Ústav patologické fyziologie LF MU, Brnopřednosta prof. MUDr. J. Vácha, DrSc.
Published in:
Čes-slov Derm, , 2000, No. 2, p. 59-63
The study was focused on an association between T-cell lymphoma and some supposed compo-nents of genetic background of the organism which could participate in the onset of cutaneous T-celllymphomas. Polymorphisms of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (I/D ACE, intron 16) and lymphoto-xin a (TNFb) (NCol in intron I) genes were investigated in 33 Caucasian patients with cutaneousT-cell lymphomas and 66 healthy subjects. The polymorphisms were detected by polymerase chainreaction-based methods and restriction enzyme analysis. No differences were found in the allelicfrequencies of he polymorphisms between patients and control subjects. In patients with T-celllymphoma, a concurrence of the DD genotype of I/D ACE with the B1 allele of the TNFb gene wasfound (n = 2/24, 8 % in controls vs. n = 8/18, 44 % in CTCL; P = 0.009, odds ratio = 8.80, 95% confidenceinterval 1.50-51.50). The DD homozygote together with the TNFb heterozygote genotype (B1B2) wasfound to be the highest risk genotype for T-cell lymphoma patients (n = 2/12, 17 % in controls and 8/9,89 % in CTCL; P = 0.002, odds ratio 40.00, 95% confidence interval 1.56-1024.12).
Key words:
ACE - TNF - cutaneous T-cell lymphoma - gene polymorphism
Dermatology & STDs Paediatric dermatology & STDsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Dermatology
2000 Issue 2
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