Atopic Dermatitis in the Year 2009

Authors: N. Benáková
Authors place of work: Dermatovenerologická klinika 1. LF UK Praha přednosta prof. MUDr. Jiří Štork, CSc. ;  Dermatoalergologická ordinace Praha vedoucí lékař MUDr. Radek Klubal
Published in the journal: Čes-slov Derm, 84, 2009, No. 2, p. 65-85
Category: Reviews (Continuing Medical Education)


The author reviews an up-to-date opinion on the atopic dermatitis etiopathogenesis – genetic factors, skin barrier malfunction, immunologic imbalance towards Th2 answer, connection of specific and non-specific immunity, the role of golden staph, 2 phase model of inflammatory reaction, evolution of atopic dermatitis from intrinsic through extrinsic towards autoimmune form. In the chapter dealing with prevention she discusses alimentary and contact allergic triggers. She mentions the gradual therapeutic schema from emollients, corticosteroids, topical immunomodulators towards phototherapy and systemic treatment and the process of examination and therapy management of atopic dermatitis in practice and importance of therapeutic plan. She focusses on the patient education for better compliance and prevention of corticophobia; on importance of compounded forms, coverings and specific hygienic skin care. In the systemic treatment she points out the cyclosporin A as the first choice, azathioprine and methotrexate as the second choice and emphasizes the use of corticosteroids only in emergency case. Finally she outlines prospective local and systemic drugs and stresses out the psychosomatic approach to the patients.

Key words:
atopic dermatitis – etiopathogenesis – diagnostics – therapy – prevention – practical guideline


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Doporučená literatura pro pacienty:

• Čapková Š., Špičák V., Vosmík F.: Atopický ekzém. Praha : Makropulos, 2005, 138 s.

• Fuchs: Alergie číhá v jídle a pití. Praha: nakl. Adéla, 2005, 189 s.

• doporučení pro pacienty na stránkách České společnosti klinické alergologie a imunologie a České iniciativy pro astma: www. csaki. cz , www. cipa. cz

Dermatology & STDs Paediatric dermatology & STDs
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