Five Cases of Dermatophytosis in Man Caused by Zoophilic Species Trichophyton erinacei Transmitted from Hedgehogs

Authors: P. Lysková 1,2;  R. Dobiáš 2,3;  I. Kuklová 4;  N. Mallátová 5;  A. Čmoková 6,7;  M. Kolařík 6,7;  V. Vojtíšková 8;  L. Karpetová 9;  V. Hubka 6,7
Authors place of work: Laboratoř lékařské mykologie, oddělení parazitologie, mykologie a mykobakteriologie Praha, Zdravotní ústav se sídlem v Ústí nad Labem, Praha, vedoucí oddělení Ing. Josef Čermák, Ph. D. 1;  Ústav mikrobiologie, Lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, přednosta ústavu prof. MUDr. Milan Kolář, Ph. D. 2;  Oddělení bakteriologie a mykologie, Zdravotní ústav se sídlem v Ostravě, vedoucí oddělení RNDr. Vladislav Holec 3;  Dermatovenerologická klinika 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Všeobecné fakultní nemocnice v Praze, přednosta prof. MUDr. Jiří Štork, CSc. 4;  Pracoviště lékařské parazitologie a mykologie, Centrální laboratoře, Nemocnice České Budějovice a. s., ředitel MUDr. Miroslav Verner 5;  Laboratoř genetiky a metabolismu hub, Mikrobiologický ústav, Akademie věd České republiky, v. v. i., Praha 4, vedoucí laboratoře Mgr. Miroslav Kolařík, Ph. D. 6;  Katedra botaniky, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova, Praha, vedoucí katedry botaniky doc. RNDr. Yvonne Němcová, Ph. D. 7;  Dermatovenerologická ambulance, Praha 9-Prosek, odborný kožní lékař 8;  Dermatologie Místek s. r. o., Frýdek-Místek, odborný kožní lékař 9
Published in the journal: Čes-slov Derm, 93, 2018, No. 6, p. 237-243
Category: Case Reports


We report five cases of tinea faciei and tinea corporis in four young women and a boy, caused by zoophilic species Trichophyton erinacei. All patients kept hedgehogs (Atelerix albiventris) at home and they consistently stated that animals did not show any visible signs of the infection. These are the first cases in the Czech Republic described in detail. Facial lesion of the 1st patient was treated with ciclopiroxolamine at the beginning with a visible regression and subsequently, the therapy was supplemented with systemic terbinafine. In total, three patients presented with lesions on the forearm, two of them were successfully treated by systemic terbinafine and local ciclopiroxolamine, respectively; information about the remaining case are incomplete. Fifth patient was initially treated by combination of local ciclopiroxolamine and acidum fusidicum; because of the relaps of the infection, the therapy was changed to econazol cream with good clinical effect. Trichophyton erinacei is a rare cause of human dermatophytosis, usually in connection with contact of the patient with a hedgehog. Due to the morphological similarity with the T. interdigitale, these strains can be easily confused in the laboratory. This may lead to the misidentification of the infection source and its further spread. Verification of identification using molecular methods, such as the sequencing of ITS rDNA used in this work, is therefore highly desirable.


tinea corporis – Atelerix albiventris – tinea faciei – African pygmy hedgehog – terbinafin – Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. erinacei – ciclopiroxolamine


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