Anthropometric, hormonal and metabolic changes in prepubertal children born as SGA (small for gestational age), with decreased growth, treated with the growth hormone, after the first year of therapy
Ľ. Košťálová 1; I. Lacková 2; Z. Pribilincová 1; Z. Blusková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
2. detská klinika LFUK a DFNsP Bratislavaprednosta prof. MUDr. L. Kovács, DrSc., MPH
1; Detsko-dojčenské oddelenie NsP, Myjava
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2014; 69 (2): 106-113.
Original Papers
The aim of the work was to evaluate selected anthropometric, hormonal and metabolic parameters in SGA children, having been treated with the growth hormone and evaluated after the first year of therapy. The extent of success and risk of the treatment were to be evaluated.
In SGA-born children, having been treated with the growth hormone in the endocrinology out-patient of the 2nd Children Clinic, Children Faculty Hospital (DFNsP) and Medical Faculty, Komensky University (LFUK) in Bratislava, the authors recorded and evaluated retrospectively their stature, BMI, blood sugar, fT4, TSH and IGF-1 just before the therapy and after one year of treatment with the growth hormone.
The study encompassed 45 prepubertal children (15 girls, mean age 9.1±3.1 year and 30 boys, mean age 8.9±3.6 years). The stature improved in boys on the average from -2.80±0.34 SDS to -2.27±0.45 SDS, p<0.001 in girls and from -2.92±0.48 SDS to -2.45±0.76 SDS, p<0.001 in boys. The BMI values remains without significant change. In both sexes, the levels of IGF-1 increased significantly (p<0.001), to a three-fold levels. The changes in the mean values of glucose, fT4 and TSH were not statistically significant.
The positive influence of the therapy with growth hormone on stature and IGF-1 has been unequivocally proved in the treated children. The authors also conclude that the growth hormone has not significantly influenced the blood sugar and thyroid hormones in blood. All children included in the study proved to tolerate the therapy well and no side effects of the treatment were observed.
Key words:
SGA, growth hormone, hormonal and metabolic changes
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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

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