The secular trend of the physical growth and development of boys and girls aged 6 to 14 years over the past 120 years in the Czech lands
M. Kopecký
Authors‘ workplace:
; Ústav pro studium odborných předmětů a praktických dovedností, Fakulta zdravotnických věd, Univerzita Palackého
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2021; 76 (1): 28-41.
Original Papers
Objective: The secular trend was observed during the 20th century as an important biomedical process, manifested by generalized acceleration. The main goal of the transversal research was to compare the body height, weight and weight-height ratios of boys and girls aged 6–14 years from the period 2012–2015 with reference data of the 6th Nation-wide Anthropological Survey of Children and Adolescents 2001 in the Czech Republic and with research from 1895.
Methods: Body height and weight were measured by standardized anthropometry methods in a group of 4031 probands (2050 boys, 1981 girls) aged 6 to 14 years. BMI (kg/m2) and the corpulence (g/cm) indices were calculated based on measured body height and weight. One-sample t-test was used to perform statistical evaluation of the parameters.
Results: The body height of boys and girls aged 6–14 years is consistent with that from the 6th Nation-wide Anthropological Survey 2001. The body weight and BMI of girls are consistent with the reference data, but boys aged 11 to 14 years have been found to have significantly higher weight and BMI compared to boys in 2001. Comparison of body height, weight and corpulence index of boys and girls aged 6–14 years between 1895 and 2015 indicated that the monitored group of boys and girls shows significantly higher average values and higher year-on-year gains in body height, weight and corpulence index (g/cm) in all age categories.
Conclusion: The average body height values for boys and girls aged 6–14 years from 2012–2015 are consistent with 2001 reference values which points to a continuing deceleration, even to a halt, of the positive secular trend in body height in our population. No statistically significant differences in body weight and BMI were found in girls. However the higher mean body weight and BMI values, when compared to 2001 reference data, indicate an increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in the current population of boys.
Body height – weight – body mass index – corpulence index – boys – girls – aged 6 to 14 years – survey 1895 – 2001 and 2015 – secular trend
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