Complications associated with indwelling urethral catheter aft er major joint arthroplasty in men

Authors: Jana Hrubinová 1;  Maroš Hrubina 2;  Jaromír Pangrác 1
Authors place of work: Urologické oddělení Nemocnice Pelhřimov 1;  Ortopedické oddělení Nemocnice Pelhřimov 2
Published in the journal: Ces Urol 2012; 16(1): 29-36
Category: Original article


Urological complications associated with indwelling urethral catheter in men after total knee and hip arthroplasty. An analysis focused on the incidence and risk factors leading to these complications.

In 2008 and 2009, 94 knee replacements were peformed in 93 men, aged on average 69.9 years, and 124 hip replacements in 124 men, aged on average 74.5. Following each surgery, the urinary catheter was placed. The followup period extended to the end of 2010 and analysis was based on the IPSS and the general patient satisfaction. The duration of the catheterization was also considered.

In the group of 93 patients, after the total knee arthroplasty, 18 patients (19.4%) experienced urological complications. The average indwelling period was 4 days; in patients encountering complications, it was 6 days. One year following the procedure, the average IPSS was 8/35; in the group with complications, it was 12/35. Four patients (4.3%) were dissatisfied. In the group of 124 patients with the hip replacement, there were urological complications in 27 (21.8%). The average indwelling period was five days; in the case of complications, it was six days. General dissatisfaction was reported by four patients (3.2%).

The incidence of urological complications in men was 19.4% after the knee arthroplasty and 21.8% after the hip arthroplasty. Risk factors include patients over 65 years of age with the catheter indwelled for 6 or more days with positive urological history. The authors suggest that the indwelling period should be reduced and the routine catheterization of all patients after the joint replacement surgery should be avoided.

Key words:
urethral catheter, urologic


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