MRI ultrasound fusion biopsy in the diagnosis of prostate cancer
Jiří Stejskal 1; Vanda Jašková 1; Adam Pavličko 2; Jana Votrubová 2; Radoslav Matěj 3; Miroslav Záleský 1,4; Roman Zachoval 1,4,5
Authors‘ workplace:
Urologické oddělení, Thomayerova nemocnice, Praha
1; Radiodiagnostické oddělení, Thomayerova nemocnice, Praha
2; Oddělení patologie, Thomayerova nemocnice, Praha
3; 1. lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Karlova, Praha
4; 3. lékařská fakulta, Univerzita Karlova, Praha
Published in:
Ces Urol 2018; 22(2): 87-98
Review article
A literature review of techniques, results and the current role of MRI/US fusion biopsy in the diagnosis of prostate cancer
The detection of prostate cancer still requires histological proof, usually obtained through pros‑ tate biopsy While standard systematic biopsy has a low detection rate and carries a risk of serious adverse events, MRI ultrasound fusion biopsy tech‑ nology offers to overcome these shortcommings In recent years, many studies concerning magnetic resonance of the prostate were published, often with conflicting outcomes
In this paper we present a literature review pertaining to the limitations of current prostate biopsy methods, magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate and its use in targeting prostate biopsies with the goal to assess MRI’s role in the current diagnostic algorithm of prostate cancer
Based on pubished studies a conclusion can be made that MRI‑guided prostate biopsy detects more clinically significant cancer than systematic biopsy using fewer cores, particularly in the repeat biopsy subgroup Some prostate cancer is not de‑ tected by MRI, as such systematic biopsies should still be obtained when performing an MRI‑guided biopsy Given the heterogeneity of available studies further investigation is needed with large multi‑ institutional trials
Prostate, cancer, biopsy, MRI, fusion
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2018 Issue 2
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