Renal involvement of a patient with Crohn´s disease: A case report
Olga Snížková 1; Eva Jančová 2; Eva Honsová 1
Authors‘ workplace:
AeskuLab Patologie k. s. Praha
1; Klinika nefrologie VFN, Praha
Published in:
Čes.-slov. Patol., 57, 2021, No. 2, p. 109-112
Original Articles
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a group of chronic relapsing intestinal inflammatory processes primarily represented by ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn´s disease (CD). Nearly half of IBD cases are followed by extraintestinal complications and renal involvement can occur independatly or along with other complications and are described with the patients sufferring from UC or CD. Most frequent renal involvement is nephrolithiasis, tubulointerstinal nephritis, different kinds of glomerulonephritis and AA amyloidosis. We are presenting an unusal form of renal involvement of a young female patient with a severe form of Crohn´s disease treated with recombinant monoclonal antibodies.
Inflammatory bowel disease – Crohn´s disease – glomerulonephritis – kidney biopsy
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Anatomical pathology Forensic medical examiner ToxicologyArticle was published in
Czecho-Slovak Pathology

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