Peroral antidiabetics and thyroid diseases

Authors: Štefan Sotak
Authors‘ workplace: I. interná klinika LF UPJŠ a UNLP Košice
Published in: Diab Obez 2020; 20(39): 42-46
Category: Reviews


Thyroid diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus are the two most common endocrinological diseases worldwide. The relationship between type 1 diabetes mellitus and thyroid diseases is known and described, but the relationship between thyreopathies and type 2 diabetes is not clarified sufficiently through that studies manifest increasingly the connection between them. Diabetes also can affect thyroid gland function indirectly by some peroral antidiabetics.


metformin – type 2 diabetes mellitus – peroral antidiabetics – thyroid diseases

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Diabetology Obesitology

Article was published in

Diabetes and obesity

Issue 39

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