New therapeutic indications for SGLT2 inhibitors

Authors: Zbynek Schroner 1,2
Authors place of work: SchronerMED s. r. o., Košice 1;  Klinika geriatrie a ošetrovateľstva LF UPJŠ a VŠOÚG sv. Lukáša v Košiciach n. o. 2
Published in the journal: Diab Obez 2022; 22(44): 91-94
Category: Reviews


At present the main target of complex therapy of type 2 diabetes mellitus is except for glycemic compensation also decrease of global cardiovascular and renal risk. Cardioprotective and renoprotective effect of SGLT2 inhibitors was in recently published studies proven also in non-diabetics. By clinical studies are proven new therapeutic indications for SGLT2 inhibitors and also in Slovakia new enlarged indications limitations for this group of drugs.


SGLT2 inhibitors – heart failure – chronic kidney disease – new therapeutic indications


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