Data on the Genus Acinetobacter
Novšie poznatky o rode Acinetobacter
Autorka podáva prehľad novších poznatkov o príslušníkoch rodu Acinetobacter. Hodnotí sa najmäich účasť na nozokomiálnych infekciách, rezistencia na antibiotiká, faktory virulencie ako ajmožnosti ovplyvnenia ich virulencie antibiotikami.
Klíčová slova:
Acinetobacter – nozokomiálne infekcie – rezistencia na antibiotiká – faktory virulen-cie.
A. Hoštacká
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav preventívnej a klinickej medicíny, Bratislava
Published in:
Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. , 2000, č. 4, s. 174-177
The author reviewed recent data on the genus Acinetobacter. It is an evaluation of their participationin nosocomial infections, antibiotic resistance, virulence factors as well as the possibilities ofmodifications of their virulence after treatment with antibiotics.
Key words:
Acinetobacter – nosocomial infections – antibiotic resistance – virulence factors.
Hygiene and epidemiology Medical virology Clinical microbiologyArticle was published in
Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology
2000 Issue 4
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