Effect of Subinhibitory Aminoglycoside and Fluoroquino-lone Concentrations on the Hydrophobicity and Motility of Serratia marcescens

Účinok subinhibičných koncentrácií aminoglykozidova fluorochinolónov na hydrofobicitu a motilituSerratia marcescens

Študoval sa účinok subinhibičných koncentrácií chinolónov (ciprofloxacín, enoxacín, norfloxacín,ofloxacín, pefloxacín) a aminoglykozidov (amikacín, gentamicín, netilmicín, tobramycín) na povr-chovú hydrofobicitu a motilitu klinického izolátu Serratia marcescens. Hydrofobicita bola hodno-tená metódami adherencie na hydrokarbón xylén (BATH) a v soľno-agregačnom teste síranu amón-neho (SAT). Testované chinolóny v subinhibičných koncentráciách inhibovali adherenciu S.marcescens na xylén s výnimkou 1/16 MIC ofloxacínu, kde došlo k miernej stimulácii. Najvýraznejšiainhibícia adherencie sa pozorovala po pôsobení 1/4 MIC ciprofloxacínu (na 13,2 %) a pefloxacínu (na31,0 %) oproti kontrole. Z aminoglykozidov netilmicín výrazne inhiboval adherenciu v celom kon-centračnom rozsahu, pričom 1/8 MIC ju potlačila na 0,7 %. S týmito údajmi korelovali aj výsledkysoľno-agregačného testu. Študované antibiotiká výraznejšie neovplyvnili motilitu S. marcescens.

Klíčová slova:
antibiotiká – subinhibičné koncentrácie – hydrofobicita – motilita – Serratia marces-cens.

Authors: V. Majtán;  Ľ. Majtánová
Authors‘ workplace: Ústav preventívnej a klinickej medicíny, Bratislava
Published in: Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. , 2001, č. 1, s. 26-30


The authors investigated the effect of subinhibitory quinolone concentrations (ciprofloxacin, eno-xacin, norfloxacin, ofloxacin, pefloxacin) and aminoglycosides (amicacin, gentamicin, netilmicin,tobramycin) on the surface hydrophobicity and motility of the clinical isolate of Serratia marces-cens. The hydrophobicity was evaluated by methods of adherence to the hydrocarbon xylene (BATH)in a salt-aggregation ammonium sulphate (SAT) test. The tested quinolones in subinhibitory con-centrations inhibited the adherence of S. marcescens to xylene with the exception of 1/16 MICofloxacin where slight stimulation took place. The most marked inhibition of adherence wasobserved after the action of 1/4 MIC ciprofloxacin (to 13.2%) and pefloxacin (to 31.0%) as comparedwith the control. Among aminoglycosides netilmicin markedly inhibited the adherence over thewhole range of concentrations, whereby 1/8 MIC suppressed it to 0.7%. With these data correlatedalso the results of the salt-aggregation test. The investigated antibiotics did not have a major effecton the motility of S. marcescens.

Key words:
antibiotics – subinhibitory concentrations – hydrophobicity – motility – Serratia mar-cescens.

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Hygiene and epidemiology Medical virology Clinical microbiology
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