The Effect of Culture Medium on Surface and Enzyme Activities of theKlebsiella species
Vplyv kultivačného média na povrchové a enzymatickéaktivity Klebsiella species
Študovali sme vplyv troch komplexných médií (KM) [Muellerov-Hintonov bujón (MHB), mozgovosrdcováinfúzia (MSI) a proteózový peptón (PP)] a jedného minerálneho (MM) na povrchové a enzymatickéaktivity 5 kmeňov Klebsiella species. Klebsiella oxytoca a Klebsiella ornithinolytica savyznačovali značným hydrofóbnym charakterom po raste v MHB, MSI a MM, Klebsiella terrigenalen v PP. K. oxytoca a K. ornithinolytica po kultivácii v KM prejavili väčšiu motilitu ako v MM,motilita kmeňov K. terrigena nebola ovplyvnená. Lipolytická aktivita u všetkých testovanýchkmeňov bola najvyššia po raste v MSI a PP. Zloženie kultivačného média ovplyvnilo sledovanébakteriálne parametre v rôznom rozsahu v závislosti na species.
Klíčová slova:
Klebsiella species – kultivačné médium – povrchová a enzymatická aktivita.
A. Hoštacká
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav preventívnej a klinickej medicíny, Bratislava
Published in:
Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. , 2002, č. 3, s. 107-110
The effect of three complex media (KM) [Mueller-Hinton broth (MHB), brain heart infusion (MSI)and proteose peptone (PP)] and one mineral medium (MM) on surface and enzyme activities of fivestrains Klebsiella species was studied. Klebsiella oxytoca and Klebsiella ornithinolytica had a markedhydrophobic character after growth in MHB, MSI and MM, Klebsiella terrigena only in PP. K.oxytoca and K. ornithinolytica had a higher motility after cultivation in KM compared with MM, themotility of K. terrigena was not affected. The lipolytic activity of all tested strains was highest aftergrowth in MSI and PP. The composition of culture medium affected bacterial parameters tested toa different extent depending on the species.
Key words:
Klebsiella – culture medium – surface and enzyme activity.
Hygiene and epidemiology Medical virology Clinical microbiologyArticle was published in
Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology
2002 Issue 3
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- The Effect of Culture Medium on Surface and Enzyme Activities of theKlebsiella species