Contribution of the detection of IgA antibodies to the laboratory diagnosis of mumps in the population with a high vaccination coverage
R. Limberková 1; D. Smíšková 2; M. Havlíčková 1; K. Herrmannová 2; P. Lexová 1; M. Malý 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Státní zdravotní ústav, Centrum epidemiologie a mikrobiologie, Praha
1; Klinika infekčních, parazitárních a tropických nemocí, Nemocnice Na Bulovce, Praha
Published in:
Epidemiol. Mikrobiol. Imunol. 64, 2015, č. 1, s. 16-19
Review articles, original papers, case report
Study objective:
Serological diagnosis of epidemic mumps can be difficult in vaccinated persons, particularly due to the absence of specific IgM antibodies. The aim was to find whether adding the detection of IgA antibodies to the currently used routine serological diagnosis of mumps (detection of IgM and IgG antibodies in an acute serum sample) would make the serological diagnosis of mumps more effective in a population with a high vaccination coverage. At the same time, ELISA kits for the detection of early IgA and IgM antibodies against the mumps virus were compared and statistical analysis of the results was performed.
Material and methods:
Sixty-four acute sera from patients with laboratory confirmed diagnosis of mumps were included in the study. Clinical specimens were collected at the onset of clinical symptoms. To test the sera, the MASTAZYME ELISA Mumps IgA kit (MAST DIAGNOSTICA, Germany) with the MASTSORB sorbent (RF and IgG) and Enzygnost Anti-Parotitis-Virus/IgM kit (Siemens, Germany) were used. A panel of 121 acute sera with no epidemiological link to mumps virus served as specificity controls for the IgA assay. The epidemiological data were derived from the EPIDAT system. The level of agreement was assessed using the McNemara test and Cohen's coefficient kappa. The Stata 9.2 software (Stata Corp LP, College Station, USA) was used for statistical analysis.
The detection of IgA and IgM antibodies against the mumps virus yielded concordant results in 50/64 acute sera, 32 positive and 18 negative, i.e. an agreement of 78.12 %. Of the remaining 14 samples, 13 were only IgA positive and one was only IgM positive. The controls showed non-specific IgA positivity in 5/121 samples which indicates a 96% specificity.
The absence of specific IgM antibodies against mumps virus is relatively often seen in vaccinated indivi-duals; nevertheless, the test is routinely used in patients with suspected active infection. The test for IgA antibodies, which is not routinely performed, significantly increased the detection rate of the disease. Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that the combination of the anti-mumps IgM and IgA assays increased the effectiveness of the serological diagnosis at the onset of clinical symptoms from less than 52% to nearly 72%.
mumps virus – laboratory diagnosis – detection of IgA and IgM antibodies – epidemiology
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Hygiene and epidemiology Medical virology Clinical microbiologyArticle was published in
Epidemiology, Microbiology, Immunology

2015 Issue 1
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