An Autopsy case of Rupture of an Aneurysm of the Splenic Artery

Authors: Hiroshi Kinoshita;  Akira Kubota;  Shogo Kasuda;  Minori Nishiguchi;  Motonori Takahashi;  Harumi Ouchi;  Takako Minami;  Nao Otsu;  Shie Yoshida;  Nobuyuki Adachi;  Kiyoshi Matsui;  Takehiko Yamamura;  Hiroyuki Motomura;  Shigeru Hishida
Authors place of work: Department of Legal Medicine, Hyogo College of Medicine, 1-1 Mukogawa-cho, Nishinomiya, Hyogo, 663-8501, Japan
Published in the journal: Soud Lék., 53, 2008, No. 4, p. 44-45


We present here a case of sudden death resulting from the rupture of an aneurysm of the splenic artery. From the histopathological findings, we concluded that the formation of the splenic aneurysm was associated with the fibromuscular dysplasia.

aneurysm – fibromuscular dysplasia – splenic artery – sudden death


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Anatomical pathology Forensic medical examiner Toxicology
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