Changes in postgraduate training of assessment doctors
L. Čeledová; R. Čevela
Authors‘ workplace:
Odbor lékařské posudkové služby
; Ředitel: MUDr. Bc. Rostislav Čevela
; Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2009; 89(7): 347-350
The article deals with the issues of postgraduate training of assessment doctors as they relate to the current and future legislative changes in relevant laws. The authors stress the need for continual life-long medical education and as an example they highlight the implementation of International Clasification of Functioning, Disability and Health in the Czech Republic that will first be implemented by general practitioners and then by assessment service doctors. They compare the personnel situations in assessment service medicine and in general practice. In conclusion they ask whether the legislative changes currently being prepared will have an impact on the quality of postgraduate training and whether they will contribute to ensuring the required numbers of general practitioners and assessment service doctors.
Key words:
Medical Assessment Service, general practitioner, postgraduate training.
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10. Nová vyhláška o oborech specializačního vzdělávání lékařů, zubních lékařů a farmaceutů a oborech certifikovaných kurzů
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner
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