Economic burden of alcohol abuse
I. Šmídová
Authors‘ workplace:
Přednostka:prof. MUDr. Zuzana Derflerová Brázdová, DrSc.
; Lékařská fakulta
; Ústav preventivního lékařství
; Masarykova univerzita, Brno
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2012; 92(1): 23-30
This article analyses one contemporary severe socioeconomic issue – alcohol abuse. It shows data for Czech and European populations, and reveals that the economic burden related directly, and indirectly, to the treatment of illnesses caused by excessive alcohol consumption is fairly significant. Tax losses caused by
- premature death due to alcohol abuse,
- deaths in productive age caused by alcohol,
- tumours evolved from dependency on alcohol, where there is evidence of causality, and
- other influences were also taken into account when estimating societal burden.
Key words:
alcohol abuse, societal burden, mortality, morbidity.
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