The impact of the holocaust on the health of survivors

Authors: K. Čermáková 1;  M. Krčilová 2;  J. Pilný 3
Authors place of work: Univerzita Pardubice, Fakulta zdravotnických studií, Děkan: prof. MUDr. Arnošt Pellant, DrSc. 1,2;  Pardubická krajská nemocnice a. s., Pardubice, Ortopedické oddělení, Primář: MUDr. Jiří Kubeš 3
Published in the journal: Prakt. Lék. 2015; 95(1): 16-19
Category: Of different specialties


With term “survivor” we can define a person who was the subject of the Nuremberg laws and who lived in one of the occupied countries of Europe between years 1933 and 1945 or who emigrated during this time because of the occupation of their country or the deportation. It is possible to divide survivors into four groups: the immigrants, active combatants, prisoners of concentration camps and hiding children. This article deals with the impact of the Holocaust on survivors’ health from their point of view (their subjective opinion) from literature, foreign studies and experts in the field who work with survivors in the long term. Our research includes interviews with 6 respondents (survivors). Every interview has been transcribed verbatim and obtained data have subsequently served as the basic source of the content analysis. Impacts have been divided into four fields: physical, mental, social and spiritual one. In case of the physical field we can point out problems in musculoskeletal system and chronic pain syndromes. In the mental field we have focused our attention to the symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome, which are more intense in senior age. Family relations are specific for the social field and in the spiritual one we have observed a departing from the faith and the original belief. Due to their age and the events of the Holocaust the survivors are very often recipients of the health and social care who requires a specific approach and care.

holocaust – post-traumatic stress disorder – patient – care


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General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adults
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