New oral anticoagulants – a review
A. Pohlídalová 1; J. Janoutová 1; M. Homza 2; V. Janout 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Ostravská Univerzita v Ostravě
Lékařská fakulta
Ústav epidemiologie a ochrany veřejného zdraví
Vedoucí: prof. MUDr. Vladimír Janout, CSc.
1; Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava
Kardiovaskulární oddělení
Primář: MUDr. Miroslav Homza, MBA
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2016; 96(3): 114-121
Of different specialties
Until recently, warfarin was the only anticoagulant used in medical care. Because of its numerous side effects, in particular different types of bleeding, a few new oral anticoagulants with equal or better safety than warfarin were developed. Until now, few drugs have been developed, direct thrombin inhibitors (so-called gatrans) and direct inhibitors of factor Xa (so-called xabans). They have the same or better safety profile, but it should be under a long-term epidemiological watch by experts of their respective specializations, as well as general practitioners. Now practitioners are confronted with a wide range of patients, including patients on anticoagulation therapy. Therefore, it is appropriate that they have a general overview of the new possibilities of anticoagulant therapy. There is also a need for more information on how to manage patients with bleeding because there are no approved specific antidotes for NOACs (Novel Oral Anticoagulants). Due to the relatively short duration of the use of new anticoagulants in practice, only time will reveal other risks of treatment with NOACs, which will need to be addressed.
new oral anticoagulants – dabigatran – apixaban – rivaroxaban – atrial fibrillation – thromboembolic disease
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