Patients with Alzheimer’s dementia in the context of family care
I. Ondriová; T. Fertaľová; E. Klímová; D. Magurová; Ľ. Majerníková
Authors‘ workplace:
Vedúca: PhDr. Dagmar Magurová, PhD.
; Dekanka: Dr. h. c. prof. PhDr. Anna Eliašová, PhD.
; Katedra ošetrovateľstva
; Fakulta zdravotníckych odborov Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2016; 96(5): 223-229
Of different specialties
Alzheimer’s disease is a dementia of neurodegenerative origin. The etiology of dementia may vary. Treatment includes pharmacotherapy of cognitive functions to work with caregivers of patients. Management of care of Alzheimer’s dementia patients is a serious socio-economic and social problem. Daily care of patients with Alzheimer’s disease is extremely difficult. Just adequate nursing care in the home care is a big problem, as a layman, from day to day built into the role of caregiver has not the necessary education or skills to service.
dementia – caregiver – care burden
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