Remaining traces of the Hippocratic oath in medical graduation pledges
P. Hanák; Kateřina Ivanová
Authors‘ workplace:
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci Lékařská fakulta Ústav veřejného zdravotnictví Vedoucí: doc. MUDr. Helena Kollárová, Ph. D.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2019; 99(2): 74-77
Of different specialties
The Hippocratic oath is a most famous, commented and hotly discussed medical ethical text in the Western world. It has become an important ever-present ethical message for medicine, showing remarkable permeability through centuries and various cultures. In modern days its principles are being re-formulated to meet the requirements of medical graduation pledges thus getting symbolically incorporated into the medical status. The medical pledges used in the Czech Republic are always a part of the statute of the respective medical faculty. In total there are 3 versions of the medical pledges. All of them include such principles as respect for teachers, protection and transfer of knowledge, patient protection from harm, maintenance of purity of thought and obligations for patients irrespective of race, nationality, political and/or social attitudes. On the contrary, some of the original issues are absent in all the pledges, namely collegiality among doctors, free education, healthy lifestyle for patients, non-implementation of surgical procedures, avoidance of abortion drugs and sexual contacts with patients. The Hippocratic oath represents an historical text in numerous versions, but still it is all the time relevant. It focuses attention of the society on fundamental, evergreen questions of the medical ethics and confirms significance of the medical pledges as well as public declarations of commitments for doctors’ integrity in full awareness of their responsibility to the patients.
Hippocratic oath – medical graduation pledges – Medical ethics
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